[Neuroimaging] [nilearn] map parcellation from Colin space to fsaverage surface

Jan Schreiber j.schreiber at fz-juelich.de
Tue Feb 19 08:24:17 EST 2019

Dear Experts,

There is a volumetric atlas defined in the space of the Colin template 
that I would like to visualize.

I have created the parcellation labels by sampling the atlas values at 
the coordinates of the fsaverage surface obtained with
fsaverage = datasets.fetch_surf_fsaverage()

This almost looks good.
Although being in a similar space I guess the gyrification of Colin is 
different than that of the fsaverage template. A volumetric image 
registration is not very helpful because the freesurfer templates (that 
I found) are very blurry.

Any suggestion?

Would it help to run freesurfer on the Colin template and run a surface 
based registration?


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