[Neuroimaging] [DIPY] IronTract tractography challenge now open

Eleftherios Garyfallidis elef at indiana.edu
Wed Jun 5 09:42:46 EDT 2019

Hello all,
I am forwarding an email from Anastasia Yendiki on this new tractography
challenge. Looks cool!

Dear all - The IronTract tractography challenge is now open. For more
information on challenge tasks, ranking criteria, and how to participate,
please visit: https://irontract.mgh.harvard.edu

There will be 2 winners:

  *   Overall winner: The goal is to find the tractography method that
achieves the highest accuracy possible regardless of diffusion sampling
scheme. You can use the full set of b-values/directions as provided, or
only those that work best for your method of choice.
  *   HCP winner: The goal is to find the tractography method that is best
suited for the 2-shell acquisition scheme that the 6500+ data sets of the
lifespan and disease Human Connectome Project studies are being collected

Are you a developer who wants to showcase the performance of your latest
tractography method? Are you a data analyst who wants to see how the tools
used for your lab's studies compare to other approaches? This is your

Results will be announced at the IronTract challenge session at MICCAI
2019. Participants will have further opportunities to participate in
publications that will result from the challenge.

The challenge will run on the QMENTA platform. To register and get your
access codes for the platform, please visit:

On behalf of the organizers,
Anastasia Yendiki.
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