[Neuroimaging] Yeo 17 brain parcellation - network names/ labels

serafim loukas seralouk at hotmail.com
Fri Apr 24 07:57:50 EDT 2020

Dear Neuroimaging in Python community,

I am trying to find the network labels (names) of the Yeo 17 brain parcellation.

I have used the function datasets.fetch_atlas_yeo_2011()  to download the Yeo atlas nifty files from http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/CorticalParcellation_Yeo2011 as stated in the documentation (https://nilearn.github.io/modules/generated/nilearn.datasets.fetch_atlas_yeo_2011.html#nilearn.datasets.fetch_atlas_yeo_2011).

For the 7 network parcellation, the networks names can be easily found online however, I am not able to find the correct naming order for the 17 networks parcellation.

Do you know where I could find this information?


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