[Neuroimaging] Transformation of images into common space

Puzniak, Robert robert.puzniak at med.ovgu.de
Wed Jul 15 05:47:35 EDT 2020

Hello everybody,

I have a following problem - I have 2 different 3D images (different images sizes, different voxel sizes, different order of axes; both have sform and qforms defined), and I would like to transform the in a way, that they will be stored in arrays of the same shapes, with matching voxel coordinates (so a given voxel in scanner space will have the same voxel coordinates). I suppose the affine transformations are a key here, but I'm unsure how to proceed. Any hints will be much appreciated.

Thank You,

Robert Puzniak

M.Sc. Robert Puzniak
Marie Curie Fellow - NextGenVis Network

Visual Processing Lab, Ophthalmic Dpt.
Leipziger Str. 44
39120 Magdeburg, Germany

++49 (0)391 67 21722

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