[Neuroimaging] Problem with PySurfer module in Python3

Eric Larson larson.eric.d at gmail.com
Fri Jun 12 13:18:12 EDT 2020

> Thanks for the tip. I upgraded PySurfer. But the Ipython terminal still
> cannot find the surfer module.

if you do `which ipython` and `ipython --version` does it point to
something like /usr/local/lib/python3.6/bin/ipython, or somewhere else?

Do you have this problem when using plain `python3`? Can you `import
surfer` there? If you `python3 -m pip install` and it works (i.e., no
permissions error or anything), it should be able to find the module.

No, I didn't mean to use VTK 9 since you said that Mayavi can't deal with
> VTK9. What I meant was do I need to link that VTK8.2 (which is already
> present in the system) to Qt build or just installing it is enough?
> Similarly, does PySurfer need to be linked to these other packages or
> installing it should be enough to start using it?

pip installing should be enough, no need to deal with linking to correct
libraries (this should already be taken care of by by the VTK and Mayavi
folks when packaging their modules in the wheels).

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