[Neuroimaging] [PySurfer] How to use different surface meshes in PySurfer?

Eric Larson larson.eric.d at gmail.com
Thu May 21 12:20:48 EDT 2020

> I'm trying to figure out a way to use alternative *fsaverage6 *surface
> meshes in PySurfer. In other words, how can I use mesh that doesn't come by
> default in freesurfer. I have some fsaverage6 brains at different
> inflations in SUMA, but I would like to use them in PySurfer. Is there an
> easy way to do this?

If you name the meshes `fsaverage/surf/lh.whatever` and `rh.whatever`, you
might be able to use `surf='whatever'` in PySurfer. Not sure if we sanity
check the names, or just check to see if the files exist, but it's worth a

> I'm also not sure that the SUMA meshes are compatible with those of
> PySurfer (they are giftis). If there is a way, what would you recommend?

They need to preserve the vertex ordering, otherwise plotting will not
work. I would first check to see if there are the same number of vertices,
if they are, then try plotting some data on the builtin meshes, then on

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