[Neuroimaging] Slicing images on different planes

Samuel Botter Martins sbm.martins at gmail.com
Mon Mar 22 07:53:17 EDT 2021

Dear Christopher,

On Sat, Mar 20, 2021 at 11:46 PM Christopher Markiewicz <
markiewicz at stanford.edu> wrote:

> Hi Carl,
> It sounds like what you want to do is to interpolate the image in a space
> that's more conveniently rotated so that image dimensions correspond to
> meaningful directions in the world and then visualize slices. The way to go
> about that is going to depend on how well the orientation is described in
> the image affine matrix.
> If the affine correctly describes rotations, then you can simply resample
> the image with nibabel.processing.resample_to_output() (
> https://nipy.org/nibabel/reference/nibabel.processing.html#resample-to-output).
> That will produce an image in-memory that you can work with as you show in
> your code, or save and open in another viewer.

So, does this mean I could reorient/serialize all images in memory to the
same voxel space?
I mean, regardless of the orientation of each image stored on file, this
function will reorient all of them to the same voxel coordinate space, so
that a voxel img[x, y, z] correspond to the precise position in all images,
am I correct?
Of course, if the image has stored its affine matrix.


*Prof. Dr. Samuel Botter Martins*
Professor in Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of São
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