[Neuroimaging] [Nibabel] Intent to deprecate int64 NIfTI images

Christopher Markiewicz markiewicz at stanford.edu
Fri Feb 18 15:42:47 EST 2022

Hi JB,

I believe SPM also doesn't read or write INT64 images. Python (and at base nibabel) seems to be unique as a producer of these files.

From: Neuroimaging <neuroimaging-bounces+markiewicz=stanford.edu at python.org> on behalf of JB Poline <jbpoline at gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2022 14:30
To: Neuroimaging analysis in Python <neuroimaging at python.org>
Subject: Re: [Neuroimaging] [Nibabel] Intent to deprecate int64 NIfTI images

Hi Chris,

Do we have a sense of how much is broken in the wider community ? SPM is matlab based but doesn't have this issue ?


On Fri, Feb 18, 2022 at 1:20 PM Christopher Markiewicz <markiewicz at stanford.edu<mailto:markiewicz at stanford.edu>> wrote:
Hi all,

I want to bring everyone's attention to this issue: https://github.com/nipy/nibabel/issues/1089

I will reproduce the reasoning here, but the issue includes the specific changes to the API and accompanying warnings:

> 64 bit integer images are easy to generate in nibabel due to numpy semantics, but almost universally incompatible with non-Python tools. We must balance breaking existing Python scripts, the Python library ecosystem, and the wider neuroimaging ecosystem that uses NIfTI as an interchange format. Recognizing that we are currently contributing to breakage in the wider ecosystem, we have decided to deprecate 64-bit integer image creation except via explicit override.

There will be a series of PRs, probably in the first half of March to implement these changes. A couple have already started.

Please let us know what we can do to help make the transition as smooth as possible for any downstream libraries and ultimately, users.

Happy to discuss the decision further, but please also see the discussion that led to this decision: https://github.com/nipy/nibabel/issues/1046

Christopher J. Markiewicz, PhD
Center for Reproducible Neuroscience
Stanford University
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