[Neuroimaging] Distance nipype

Lorenzo Pini pini.lorenzo2 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 28 09:39:49 EST 2022

Hi all,

I'm using Distance to compute some metrics between two images.
I saw the documentation and the scripts and I tried to run with the
following command:
         volume1 = 'mydir/test/Image1.nii.gz',
         volume2 = 'mydir/test/Image2.nii.gz',
         method =  "eucl_max")
res = Distance.run()

However, there is an error with the self function:
TypeError: run() missing 1 required positional argument: 'self'

and when I inspect the input I have the following:

mask_volume = <undefined>
method = eucl_min
volume1 = <undefined>
volume2 = <undefined>

What's the problem here?
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