March 2009 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Mar 1 11:30:26 CET 2009
Ending: Tue Mar 31 23:25:52 CEST 2009
Messages: 237
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5527] multiprocessing won't work with Tkinter (under Linux)
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5511] zipfile - add __exit__ attribute to make ZipFile object compatible with with_statement
J.R. Allen
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5434] datetime.MonthDelta
Jess Austin
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5516] equality not reflixive for subclasses of and datetime.datetime
Jess Austin
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5520] refactor
Jess Austin
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5530] datetime class names should obey PEP 8 CapWords convention
Jess Austin
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5417] Reference to missing(?) function in Extending & Embedding Document
Ruth Aydt
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5517] 2to3 haven't convert buffer object to memoryview
Haoyu Bai
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5566] Minor error in document of PyLong_AsSsize_t
Haoyu Bai
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5563] Document bdist_msi
Steven Bethard
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5589] Wrong dump of floats
Sebastian Billaudelle
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5631] Distutils "upload" command does not show up in --help-commands output.
Martin Blais
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5583] Optional extensions in
Georg Brandl
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5485] pyexpat has no unit tests for UseForeignDTD functionality
Jean-Paul Calderone
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5496] codecs.lookup docstring is misleading
Jean-Paul Calderone
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5559] IDLE Output Window 's goto fails when path has spaces
Claudio Canepa
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5529] Backport sys module docs involving import to 2.7
Brett Cannon
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5629] PEP 0 date and revision not being set
Brett Cannon
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5528] Unable to launch IDLE on Windows
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5617] Unicode pringint in post-mortem sessions
David Christian
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5441] Convenience API for timeit.main
Nick Coghlan
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5491] Clarify contextlib.nested semantics
Nick Coghlan
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5538] tearDown in unittest should be executed regardless of result in setUp
Garrett Cooper
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5501] Update multiprocessing docs re: freeze_support
Brandon Corfman
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5432] plistlib contains unescaped hex sequence in doc string
Jim Correia
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5618] PyMemberDef type T_UBYTE incorrectly documtented
Brian Curtin
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5531] unittest: allow failures in tearDown method
Tim Cuthbertson
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5486] doc copyedits
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5542] Socket is closed prematurely in httplib, if server sends response before request body has been sent
Jason Davies
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5505] doesn't return after first EOF on Windows
Fan Decheng
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5622] wrong error from curses.wrapper if curses initialization fails
Ned Deily
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5625] test_urllib2 fails - urlopen error file not on local host
Ned Deily
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5626] misleading comment in socket.gethostname() documentation
Ned Deily
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5512] Streamline integer division
Mark Dickinson
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5399] wer
Daniel Diniz
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5536] urllib: urlretrieve() does not close file objects on failure
Petr Dolezal
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5597] inspect.formatargspec crashes on missing kwonlydefaults
Petr Dolezal
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5442] [3.1alpha1] test_importlib fails on Mac OSX 10.5.6
Ismail Donmez
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5510] patches for Modules/socketmodule.c for NetBSD
Ramsey Dow
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5613] and having missing import on win32
Tim Driscoll
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5633] timeit breaks when the statment is a string and the setup is not
Tim Driscoll
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5462] Pythonwin Vista Compatibility
Julie Earls
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5556] interactive interpreter, source encoding
Jean-Michel Fauth
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5578] unqualified exec in class body
Maciek Fijalkowski
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5425] 2to3 wrong for types.StringTypes
Hagen Fürstenau
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5431] cmpfunc in Python 3.0.1 windows installer
Nigel Galloway
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5444] .chm build process on Windows doesn't use the right filename
Gabriel Genellina
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5446] doc building progress on Windows doesn't show any color
Gabriel Genellina
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5464] does not work with plural form
Stephen George
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5557] Byte-code compilation uses excessive memory
Tom Goddard
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5467] tools\msi\ is sensitive to lack of
Tim Golden
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5470] MSI installer misses file in Lib\test
Tim Golden
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5472] distutils.test_util fails to restore os.uname
Tim Golden
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5504] ctypes should work with systems where mmap can't be PROT_WRITE and PROT_EXEC
Adam Goode
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5458] threading.Thread.join() documentation: missing 'from version' for RuntimeError exceptions
Eyal Gordon
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5526] Local variables unavailable for operation of list comprehension when using eval()
Evan Greensmith
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5466] Tix.Balloon causes TCLError: unknown color name "{#ffff60}" in Python 2.6.1
Andrew Gregory
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5477] Typo in itertools documentation
Thomas Guest
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5424] Packed IPaddr conversion tests should be extended
Philipp Hagemeister
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5535] json custom encoder not fully functionnal
Pierre Hanser
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5478] document mistake xml.dom.minidom.Element
Kouki Hashimoto
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5561] platform.python_version_tuple returns tuple of ints, should be strings
Larry Hastings
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5630] Update CObject API so it is safe and regular
Larry Hastings
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5476] datetime: timedelta(minutes = i) silently fails with numpy.int32 input
Barron Henderson
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5421] Irritating error message by socket's sendto method
Manuel Hermann
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5397] PEP 372: OrderedDict
Raymond Hettinger
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5407] Broken Py3.1 release build in Visual Studio 2005
Raymond Hettinger
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5481] Expand Decimal.__format__() support to include "n"
Raymond Hettinger
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5587] vars() no longer has a use __repr__
Raymond Hettinger
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5537] LWPCookieJar cannot handle cookies with expirations of 2038 or greater on 32-bit platforms
Chris Hollenbeck
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5514] Darwin framework libpython3.0.a is not a normal static library
Jack Howarth
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5628] TextIOWrapper fails with SystemError when reading HTTPResponse
Jeremy Hylton
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5584] json.loads(u'3.14') fails unexpectedly (minor scanner bug)
Bob Ippolito
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5489] Broken DLL
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5490] Broken DLL
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5439] string.strip behaves strangly
Dongwook Jang
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5440] string.strip behaves strangly
Dongwook Jang
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5581] abc.abstractproperty() docs list fget as required; fget is not required by abc.abstractproperty()
Devin Jeanpierre
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5402] MutableMapping code smell (see OrderedDict)
Jim Jewett
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5411] add xz compression support to distutils
Per Øyvind Karlsen
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5412] extend configparser to support [] syntax
Jeff Kaufman
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5404] Cross-compiling Python
Joshua Kinard
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5507] ctypes configuration fails on mips-linux (and probably Irix)
Matthias Klose
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5590] pyexpat defines global symbol template_string
Matthias Klose
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5591] global symbols in shared libpython not prefixed with Py or _Py
Matthias Klose
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5592] Modules/_textio.c defines global symbol encodefuncs
Matthias Klose
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5609] Create Unit Tests for nturl2path module
Maksim Kozyarchuk
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5624] Py3K branch import _winreg instead of winreg
Maksim Kozyarchuk
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5567] Operators in operator module don't work with keyword arguments
Marek Kubica
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5522] HTTPRedirectHandler documentation is wrong
Joshua Kugler
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5523] Python bug tracker won't let you edit your profile
Joshua Kugler
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5539] open documentation unclear
David W. Lambert
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5540] "file objects" in python 3 tutorial
David W. Lambert
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5420] Queue deprecation warning patch
Tennessee Leeuwenburg
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5571] new "TestCase.skip" method causes all tests to skip under trial (Twisted's test runner)
Glyph Lefkowitz
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5445] codecs.StreamWriter.writelines problem when passed generator
Daniel Lescohier
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5448] Add precision property to decimal.Decimal
Daniel Lescohier
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5541] File's current position inconsistent with 'a+' mode
Lukas Lueg
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5492] Error on leaving IDLE with quit() or exit() under Linux
Ger Luijten
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5494] Failure in test_httpservers on Linux
Ger Luijten
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5570] Bus error when calling .poll() on a closed Connection from multiprocessing.Pipe()
Allister MacLeod
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5468] urlencode does not handle "bytes", and could easily handle alternate encodings
Dan Mahn
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5414] asciibin.a2b_uu returns unexpected values on non ascii data
David Majnemer
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5416] str.replace does strange things when given a negative count
David Majnemer
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5573] multiprocessing Pipe poll() and recv() semantics.
Vaibhav Mallya
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5574] multiprocessing doesn't include JoinableQueue in its __all__ list
Vaibhav Mallya
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5611] Auto-detect indentation in C source in vimrc
Kirk McDonald
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5493] Rephrasing the doc of object.__nonzero__
Ezio Melotti
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5430] Must not replace LF or CR by CRLF in literals
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5521] sqlite3.h missing
Matt Mendell
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5500] tarfile: path problem in arcname under windows
Elijah Merkin
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5400] patches for multiprocessing module on NetBSD
Piotr Meyer
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5475] urllib2.getproxies not documented
Tim Michelsen
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5533] unittest can't deal with packages
Aristotelis Mikropoulos
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5580] Strange error message in Python/getargs.c
Andrii V. Mishkovskyi
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5418] urllib.response.addinfourl does not support __exit__
Mitchell Model
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5419] returns a bytes object so writing it requires binary mode
Mitchell Model
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5426] README slight error re OSX
Mitchell Model
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5427] OSX framework make error: ld: duplicate symbol _PyExc_BlockingIOError in libpython3.1.a(_iobase.o) and libpython3.1.a(io.o)
Mitchell Model
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5469] Reference paragraph about the constructs that bind names needs updating for Python 3
Mitchell Model
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5513] "What's New" should say VERY CLEARLY that the type file is gone
Mitchell Model
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5519] Deletion of some statements in re documentation
Mitchell Model
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5600] Slight inaccuracy in webbrowser documentation
Mitchell Model
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5601] webbrowser doesn't just open browsers
Mitchell Model
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5602] Slight punctuation problem in documentation of urllib.request.urlopen
Mitchell Model
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5603] Garbled sentence in documentation of urllib.request.urlopen
Mitchell Model
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5569] Issue in transparency in top level tk window(python) on MAC
Yogendra Mohan
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5455] csv module no longer works as expected when file opened in binary mode
Skip Montanaro
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5632] Bug - threading.currentThread().ident returns None in main thread
Skip Montanaro
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5405] There is no way of determining which ABCs a class is registered against
Paul Moore
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5543] sys.last_type missing
Alexandru V. Mosoi
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5586] The documentation of os.makedirs is misleading
Mher Movsisyan
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5450] test_tcl testLoadTk fails if DISPLAY defined but connect fails, instead of being skipped
R. David Murray
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5599] test_email_codecs is skipped because it fails to import TestSkipped from test_support
R. David Murray
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5610] email CRLFLF bug: $ vs \Z
Tony Nelson
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5532] imap usage in itertools unique_justseen recipe
Michael Newman
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5595] os.path.ismount (ntpath) gives UnboundLocalError for any input
Michael Newman
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5545] multiprocessing: switch to autoconf detection of platform values
Jesse Noller
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5534] Decimal __format__ reverses meaning of '<' and '>' alignment specs
Donald O'Donnell
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5480] ".egg-info" => ".pkg-info"
Zooko O'Whielacronx
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5436] test_distutils fails with official Mac OS X Installer Disk Image (3.0.1)
Martina Oefelein
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5627] PyDict_SetItemString() fails when the second argument is null
Euler Taveira de Oliveira
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5564] os.symlink/ docs should say old/new, not src/dst
Adam Olsen
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5568] self.writer.closed() extraneous parens in BufferedRWPair of io module
Jim Olson
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5607] Lib/distutils/test/test_util: test_get_platform bogus for OSX
Ronald Oussoren
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5614] Malloc errors in test_io
Ronald Oussoren
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5408] test_osx_env failing
Benjamin Peterson
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5429] Core dumps on the Solaris buildbot
Antoine Pitrou
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5433] Excessive optimization in IncrementalNewlineDecoder
Antoine Pitrou
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5437] Singleton MemoryError can hold traceback data and locals indefinitely
Antoine Pitrou
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5438] test_bigmem.test_from_2G_generator uses more memory than expected
Antoine Pitrou
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5506] io.BytesIO doesn't support the buffer protocol
Antoine Pitrou
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5552] With invalid FD, os.device_encoding() returns None under Linux but raises an error under Windows
Antoine Pitrou
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5562] Locale-based date formatting crashes on non-ASCII data
Antoine Pitrou
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5593] test_math.testFsum failure on release30-maint
Antoine Pitrou
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5596] memory leaks in 3.1
Antoine Pitrou
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5621] Add description of special case to "Assignment statements" section
John Posner
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5415] uuid module generates incorrect values for uuid3 (and possibly uuid5)
René Puls
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5443] trivial typo in itertools documentation
Lorenz Quack
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5488] nb_inplace_divide slot is missing in docs
Lorenz Quack
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5409] ConfigParser get<int/float/boolean> methods broken
Sylvain Rabot
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5616] Distutils 2to3 support doesn't have the doctest_only flag.
Lennart Regebro
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5495] ValueError exception of tuple.index(x) gives imprecise error message
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5461] python3 symlink
David Ripton
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5406] asyncore doc issue
Giampaolo Rodola'
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5401] mimetypes.MAGIC_FUNCTION implementation clusterfuck
Armin Ronacher
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5604] imp.find_module() mixes UTF8 and MBCS
Guido van Rossum
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5474] distutils produces invalid RPM packages of prerelease python packages
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5482] RFC: improve distutils bdist_rpm so it builds pure python modules as single packages that works across architectures
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5484] fails for .bat files on Windows, if executable path contains parenthesis
Erik Sandberg
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5463] Compiler warning get_ulong is never used 3.x
Andreas Schawo
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5544] test_fileio fials on windows MSVC Assertion
Andreas Schawo
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5555] optparse
Aaron Sherman
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5465] No edit in IDLE in right click context menu
Eddie Slimak
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5515] 'n' formatting for int and float handles leading zero padding poorly
Eric Smith
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5413] urllib ctypes error on Mac OS X Server 10.5
Attila Soki
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5546] PyDict_SetItemString mentions PyString_FromString which does not exist
Daniel Stutzbach
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5547] The Py_InitModule functions no longer exist, but remain in the docs
Daniel Stutzbach
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5548] In the tutorial, PyMODINIT_FUNC is shown as having a return type of void rather than PyObject *
Daniel Stutzbach
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5549] PyModule_Create and PyModuleDef are undocumented
Daniel Stutzbach
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5553] Py_LOCAL_INLINE(type) doesn't actually inline except using MSC
Daniel Stutzbach
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5606] The makefile dependencies listing formatter.h are wrong
Daniel Stutzbach
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5615] linking fails when configured --without-threads
Daniel Stutzbach
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5594] IDLE startup configuration
Mark Summerfield
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5479] Add an easy way to provide total ordering now that __cmp__ is deprecated/gone
Mart Sõmermaa
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5473] round(float, ndigits<0) sometimes rounds to odd
Christian Taylor
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5457] ZipFile writes incorrect modification time (second is off-by-one)
Christian Theune
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5509] cPickle - module object has no attribute
Nathaniel Troutman
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5449] bug fix to prevent io.BytesIO from accepting arbitrary keyword arguments
Erick Tryzelaar
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5451] patch to make io.StringIO consistent with open with respect to newlines
Erick Tryzelaar
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5452] Documentation for io.StringIO has wrong info for arguments
Erick Tryzelaar
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5456] io.StringIO's universal newlines support is broken in 3.0.1
Erick Tryzelaar
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5554] doesn't read the whole file
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5499] only accept byte for getarg('c') and unicode for getarg('C')
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5502] io-c: TextIOWrapper is faster than BufferedReader but not protected by a lock
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5524] execfile() removed from Python3
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5576] Don't use PyLong_SHIFT with _PyLong_AsScaledDouble()
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5483] [PATCH]Add FastDbfilenameShelf: shelf nerver sync cache even when writeback=True
Zhigang Wang
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5579] Display for OrderedDict
Todd Weiler
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5428] Pyshell history management error
Michel Weinachter
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5605] Don't assume that repr of literal dicts are sorted like pprint sorts them.
Frank Wierzbicki
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5608] Add python.exe to the path in windows?
Thomas Willis
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5572] distutils ignores the LIBS configure env var
Collin Winter
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5575] Add env vars for controlling building sqlite, hashlib and ssl
Collin Winter
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5588] Add --randseed to regrtest
Collin Winter
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5423] Exception raised when attempting to call set_charset on an email.mime.multipart once sub-parts have been attached
Chris Withers
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5612] whitespace folding in the email package could be better ; -)
Chris Withers
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5403] test_md5 segfault
Hirokazu Yamamoto
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5410] msvcrt bytes cleanup
Hirokazu Yamamoto
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5497] openssl compileerror with original source
Hirokazu Yamamoto
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5447] future unicode literals and r'\u'
Poor Yorick
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5460] Python 3.0 grammar is ambiguous with the addition of star_expr
Fabio Zadrozny
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5435] test_httpservers on Debian Testing
Michael Zamot
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5582] Incorrect DST transition on Windows
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5525] Problem with email.MIME* library, using wrong new line
Luca clementi
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5550] urllib2 use of opener.addheaders
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5560] help() no longer reports module docstrings
geremy condra
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5623] test_fdopen fails with vs2005, release build on Windows 2000
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5453] pydoc -k fails (release30-maint patch)
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5454] pydoc -k fails (py3k patch)
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5620] The attribute's action of an object is not correct.
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5598] "paths" argument missing in DocFileSuite documentation
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5503] multiprocessing/ wrong pipe name under win32
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5585] implement initializer for multiprocessing.BaseManager.start()
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5508] maximum recursion depth exceeded in __subclasscheck__
ganges master
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5487] Parts of Tkinter missing (but not when running from IDLE)
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5498] Can SGMLParser properly handle <empty/> tags?
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5471] os.path.expanduser('~') doesnt works correctly when HOME is '/'
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5551] os.path.ismount take a cross-device symlink for a mountpoint
"Jürgen A. Erhard" <report at> at
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5619] Pass MS CRT debug flags into subprocesses
"Martin v. Löwis" <report at> at
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5565] Strange behavior when I logout() with IMAP4_SSL
Philipp Tölke <report at> at
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5577] yield in iterators
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5518] cPickle produces inconsistent output
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5634] cPickle error in case of recursion limit
vadim suvorov
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5398] strftime("%B") returns a String unusable with unicode
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5558] Python 3.0.1 doesn't install correctly on Mac Os X 10.5.6. with xCode 3.1.2
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue5422] load pyc file with mbcs file system in update_compiled_module
Last message date:
Tue Mar 31 23:25:52 CEST 2009
Archived on: Tue Mar 31 23:26:04 CEST 2009
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).