[New-bugs-announce] [issue14118] _pickle.c structure cleanup
Merlijn van Deen
report at bugs.python.org
Sat Feb 25 00:38:06 CET 2012
New submission from Merlijn van Deen <valhallasw at gmail.com>:
While working on #6784, I've looked at _pickle.c and found it quite... daunting: 6500 lines and 185kB. I have been working on a bit of cleanup, and I'd like some comments on this.
I'm working on adapting
_pickle.c into the following structure:
_pickle.c takes care of the module initialization
_pickle/*.c are helper files for this (global functions/definitions)
_pickle/PicklerObject contains all files that relate to the Pickler
class - initialization, all functions, etc, and
_pickle/PicklerObject/picklers/*.c contains all pickling functions,
split out into groups (corresponding to pickletools.StackObjects)
This should end in a tree where every .c module lists the relevant dependencies (and as such should be compilable on itself).
Currently, I'm at the point where PicklerObject roughly has the structure I want (although not every file is compilable on itself yet). As such, I feel this is the right moment to ask if it would be seen as an useful improvement in trunk, and to see if anyone has suggestions for improvements.
hg repos: https://bitbucket.org/valhallasw/cpython/src/0810ffadffa3/Modules/_pickle/PicklerObject (_pickle_clean branch)
components: Extension Modules
hgrepos: 114
messages: 154165
nosy: valhallasw
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: _pickle.c structure cleanup
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.3, Python 3.4
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