[New-bugs-announce] [issue15232] maildir parsing can split up messages with 'From ' at the start of a line

Chris Pickett report at bugs.python.org
Sun Jul 1 07:02:25 CEST 2012

New submission from Chris Pickett <cpicke at gmail.com>:

tar xvfz maildir_bug.tar.gz
cd maildir_bug

The attachment contains a maildir with a single message.  This message has two body lines beginning with 'From '.  When converted to mbox using the maildir2mbox.py, only the second line gets a '>' at the beginning.  Thunderbird subsequently splits the message in two.  I think the fix is to put a '>' in front of each 'From ' line and not just the second one.  However, when I did that, Thunderbird displayed the '>', so either it is not the right fix, or Thunderbird has a bug.

I am using Python 2.7.1.  I searched the bug tracker and didn't see this issue, so decided to file even though I don't have the latest version.


files: maildir_bug.tar.gz
messages: 164450
nosy: Chris.Pickett
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: maildir parsing can split up messages with 'From ' at the start of a line
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file26221/maildir_bug.tar.gz

Python tracker <report at bugs.python.org>

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