[New-bugs-announce] [issue16056] shadowed test names in std lib regression tests
Xavier de Gaye
report at bugs.python.org
Wed Sep 26 22:34:17 CEST 2012
New submission from Xavier de Gaye:
The attached script, named find_duplicate_test_names.py, prints
duplicate regression test method names in a given directory tree.
Running this script on the standard library test suite shows few
duplicates, see below. It means that some of those tests are not
run while they are probably meant to be.
Here is find_duplicate_test_names.py output on the default branch:
$ ./python find_duplicate_test_names.py Lib/test
Duplicate test method names:
Lib/test/test_types.py: <module>.ClassCreationTests.test_new_class_exec_body
Lib/test/test_heapq.py: <module>.TestErrorHandling.test_get_only
Lib/test/test_complex.py: <module>.ComplexTest.test_truediv
Lib/test/test_webbrowser.py: <module>.OperaCommandTest.test_open_new
Lib/test/test_dis.py: <module>.DisTests.test_big_linenos
Lib/test/test_dis.py: <module>.DisTests.test_dis_object
Lib/test/test_import.py: <module>.ImportTests.test_import_name_binding
Lib/test/test_email/test_email.py: <module>.TestQuopri.test_encode_one_long_line
Lib/test/test_email/test_email.py: <module>.TestLongHeaders.test_splitter_split_on_punctuation_only_if_fws
components: Library (Lib)
files: find_duplicate_test_names.py
messages: 171361
nosy: xdegaye
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: shadowed test names in std lib regression tests
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.3
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file27315/find_duplicate_test_names.py
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