[New-bugs-announce] [issue18429] IDLE: Format Paragraph doesn't function with comment blocks

Todd Rovito report at bugs.python.org
Thu Jul 11 19:56:12 CEST 2013

New submission from Todd Rovito:

While working on a test case for Format Paragraph (http://bugs.python.org/issue18226) I noted that format paragraph doesn't work with comment blocks when a comment block is selected.  The fix is very simple by changing one line:
if first and last:
    data = text.get(first, last)
    comment_header = get_comment_header(data)

The comment_header line was changed from comment_header = ''.  This forces the format paragraph extension to always do "just a normal text format".  Attached is a patch but I would like to explore the bug in more detail and make sure all cases are covered.

messages: 192883
nosy: Todd.Rovito
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: IDLE: Format Paragraph doesn't function with comment blocks
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.4

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