September 2015 Archives by thread
Starting: Tue Sep 1 03:13:16 CEST 2015
Ending: Wed Sep 30 22:36:02 CEST 2015
Messages: 310
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue24975] Python 3.5 can't compile AST involving PEP 448 unpacking
David Beazley
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue24976] Arithmetic/precision bug when using floating-point numbers
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue24977] shutil copy to non-existant directory
Jake Howard
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue24978] Contributing to Python 2x and 3x Documentation. Translation to Russian.
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue24979] Allow timezone offsets greater than 24 hours
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue24980] Allow for providing 'on_new_thread' callback to 'concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor'
Joshua Harlow
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue24981] Add a test which uses the ast module to compile the stdlib
Brett Cannon
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue24982] shutil.make_archive doesn't archive empty directories
Eugene Kolo
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue24983] Wrong AttributeError propagation
David Unric
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue24984] document AF_BLUETOOTH socket address formats
Tim Tisdall
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue24985] Python install test fails - OpenSSL - "dh key too small"
John Nagle
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue24986] It should be possible to build successfully without external libraries
Zachary Ware
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue24987] subprocess.Popen with shell=True doesn't create socket
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue24988] IDLE: debugger context menus not working on Mac
Mark Roseman
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue24989] scan_eol() Buffer Over-read
John Leitch
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue24990] Foreign language support in turtle module
Al Sweigart
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue24991] Define instance mutability explicitly on type objects
Nick Coghlan
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue24992] collections.OrderedDict constructor (odict_new) doesn't handle PyDict_New() failure
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue24993] The C function PyCodec_NameReplaceErrors doesn't handle PyCapsule_Import() failure
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue24994] Python 3.4.2 64-bit Installer error (Please insert the disk:)
Cameron Walker
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue24995] better exception message when an unsupported object is passed to `async for` (pep 492)
Yury Selivanov
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue24996] IDLE: debugger local/global vars should not be editable
Mark Roseman
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue24997] mock.call_args compares as equal and not equal
A Kaptur
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue24998] docs: subprocess.Popen example has extra/invalid parameter
Paul Clarke
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue24999] Segfault in test_re.test_sre_character_class_literals() when Python is compiled by ICC
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25000] _mock_call does not properly grab args and kwargs
Alex Etling
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25001] Make --nowindows argument to regrtest propagate when running with -j
Brett Cannon
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25002] Deprecate asyncore/asynchat
Guido van Rossum
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25003] os.urandom() should call getrandom(2) not getentropy(2)
John Beck
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25004] test_mmap should catch f.close() failure in LargeMmapTests._make_test_file()
John Beck
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25005] webbrowser breaks on query strings with multiple fields on Windows
Brian Hou
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25006] List pybind11 binding generator
Wenzel Jakob
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25007] Add support of copy protocol to zlib compressors and decompressors
Serhiy Storchaka
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25008] Deprecate smtpd
Brett Cannon
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25009] queue.Queue() does not validate the maxsize argument
Alex Willmer
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25010] minor typo in PCBuild readme.txt
Shaun Walbridge
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25011] Smarter rl complete: hide private and special names
Serhiy Storchaka
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25012] pathlib should allow converting to absolute paths without resolving symlinks
David Barnett
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25013] run_pdb() in always returns stderr as None
Xavier de Gaye
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25014] Add contextlib.itercm()
Ezio Melotti
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25015] Idle: scroll Text faster with mouse wheel
Terry J. Reedy
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25016] defaultdict's pop gives a KeyError
Chase Albert
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25017] htmllib deprecated: Which library to use? Missing sane default in docs
Thomas Guettler
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25018] test_shutil.test_make_archive() fails on Windows
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25019] xmlparse_setattro() Type Confusion
John Leitch
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25020] IDLE - centralize ui policies and small utilities
Mark Roseman
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25021] product_setstate() Out-of-bounds Read
John Leitch
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25022] Remove PC/example_nt/
Zachary Ware
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25023] time.strftime('%a'), ValueError: embedded null byte, in ko locale
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25024] Allow passing "delete=False" to TemporaryDirectory
Antony Lee
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25025] Missing 3.5.0 RC3 tarballs (FTP)
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25026] (FreeBSD/OSX) Fix fcntl module to accept 'unsigned long' type commands for ioctl(2).
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25027] Python 3.5.0rc3 on Windows can not load more than 127 C extension modules
Christoph Gohlke
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25028] Reading unicode json string fails depending on LANG env
Yves Müller
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25029] MemoryError in test_strptime
Serhiy Storchaka
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25030] io.[Text] doesn't take keyword parameter
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25031] IDLE - file list improvements
Mark Roseman
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25032] IDLE - same menubar across application
Mark Roseman
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25033] Python 2.7.10 make - fails on some Standard Library Modules
Ron Barak
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25034] string.Formatter accepts empty fields but displays wrong when nested
Anthon van der Neut
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25035] Getter/setter for argparse keys
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25036] IDLE - infrastructure changes so editors don't assume they're in a toplevel
Mark Roseman
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25037] ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 16: b'[\r\n'
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25038] test_os.TestSendfile.test_keywords() introduced a regression
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25039] Docs: Link to Stackless Python in Design and History FAQ section is broken
Camilla Montonen
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25040] xml.sax.make_parser makes bad use of parser_list argument default value
Gautier Portet
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25041] document AF_PACKET socket address format
Tim Tisdall
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25042] Create an "embedding SDK" distribution?
Paul Moore
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25043] document socket constants for Bluetooth
Tim Tisdall
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25044] bring BTPROTO_SCO inline with other Bluetooth protocols
Tim Tisdall
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25045] smtplib throws exception TypeError: readline()
Philippe Lambotte
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25046] ImportError: No module named Multiprocessing
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25047] xml.etree.ElementTree encoding declaration should be capital ('UTF-8') rather than lowercase ('utf-8')
Simeon Warner
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25048] %e Directive Missing in Datetime Documentation
Marc Bouvier
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25049] Strange behavior under doctest: staticmethods have different __globals__
Jurjen N.E. Bos
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25050] windows installer does not allow 32 and 64 installs side by side
Adam Groszer
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25051] 'compile' refuses BOM.
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25052] Test
Serhiy Storchaka
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25053] Possible race condition in Pool
Stanislaw Izaak Pitucha
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25054] Capturing start of line '^'
Alcolo Alcolo
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25055] Test
Serhiy Storchaka
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25056] no support for Bluetooth LE in socket
Tim Tisdall
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25057] Make parameter of io.base to be positional and keyword
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25058] Right square bracket argparse metavar
Juan Jimenez-Anca
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25059] Mistake in input-output tutorial regarding print() seperator
Saimadhav Heblikar
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25060] BUILD_MAP stack effect suboptimal
Antoine Pitrou
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25061] Add native enum support for argparse
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25062] Doc linter error: [2] library/typing.rst:358: default role used
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25063] shutil.copyfileobj should internally use os.sendfile when possible
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25064] Adjust tempfile documentation for bytes filename support
Martin Panter
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25065] should redirect to Python 3 doc
Martín Gaitán
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25066] Better repr for multiprocessing.synchronize objects
Davin Potts
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25067] Hello
Petri Lehtinen
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25068] The proxy key's string should ignore case.
Chuang Cao
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25069] Clean issue when generator not exhausted (garbage collector related?)
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25070] Python 2.6 - Python 3.4 allows unparenthesized generator with *args, **kw, forbidden in 3.5
Antti Haapala
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25071] Windows installer requires TargetDir parameter when installing quietly
Steve Dower
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25072] CGI large POST data string truncated
Vincent Caloone
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25073] Document asyncio.test_utils
Zachary Ware
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25074] Bind logger and waninigs modules for asyncio __del__ methods
Andrew Svetlov
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25075] issue from python in encode base64 with Json Model
Ramin Farajpour Cami
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25076] Wrong parameter name in distutils documentation
TAKASE Arihiro
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25077] Compiler warnings: initialization from incompatible pointer type
Marius Gedminas
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25078] Document InstallAllUsers installer parameter default 0
Thomas Kluyver
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25079] Tokenize generates NL instead of NEWLINE for comments
Optimal BPM
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25080] The example-code for making XLM-RPC requests through proxy, fail!
Kostis ankostis
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25081] Windows installer Upgrade->Customize->Back goes to Install page
Steve Dower
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25082] Editing What's New In Python 3.5
Serhiy Storchaka
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25083] Python can sometimes create incorrect .pyc files
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25084] remove semi-busy loop in py2.7 threading.Condition.wait(timeout=x)
Flavio Grossi
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25085] Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file contains test directorys
Wolfgang Langner
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25086] Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file, lot of big EXE files in distuils
Wolfgang Langner
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25087] Type variable substitution in type instances
Stefan Krah
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25088] scipy (0.16.0) install fails on 3.5
Naveen Togar
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25089] Can't run Python Launcher on Windows
Mark Lawrence
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25090] IDLE: alternative to class browser / code context
Mark Roseman
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25091] Please revert the Windows Installer to micro type.
Terry J. Reedy
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25092] Regression: test_datetime fails on 3.5, Win 7, works on 3.4
Terry J. Reedy
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25093] New 3.5.0 failure in test_tcl on win7
Terry J. Reedy
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25094] Test_tools not working on Windows.
Terry J. Reedy
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25095] test_httpservers hangs on 3.5.0, win 7
Terry J. Reedy
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25096] test_gdb failed to read version for gdb >= 7.10
Felix Yan
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25097] test_logging may fail with 'Access is denied' when pywin32 is installed
Zachary Ware
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25098] test_uuid fails with pywin32 installed
Zachary Ware
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25099] test_compileall fails when run by unprivileged user on installed Python
Zachary Ware
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25100] Test_distutils fails instead of skipping if no VS2015
Terry J. Reedy
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25101] test_zipfile failure when run by unprivileged user with installed Python
Zachary Ware
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25102] Windows installer: 'precompile standard library' option should pre-compile with -O and -OO
Zachary Ware
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25103] 3.5.0 installed standard library on Windows has LF line endings
Zachary Ware
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25104] Wrong documentation for "chr(i)" function.
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25105] Docs 3.x buildbot:
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25106] Hash computation speedup for {buffer, string, unicode}object
Alecsandru Patrascu
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25107] Windows 32-bit: exe-files doesn't run
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25108] traceback.extract_stack() compatibility break in 3.5
Antoine Pitrou
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25109] test_code_module tests fail when run from the installed location
Matthias Klose
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25110] Documentation sometimes still links to py3.4
Florian Apolloner
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25111] Broken compatibility in FrameSummary equality
Serhiy Storchaka
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25112] Windows installer assigns non-existent icons to Python file types
Thijs van Dien
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25113] documentation version switcher is broken
Yury Selivanov
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25114] asynico: add ssl_object extra info
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25115] SSL_set_verify_depth not exposed by the ssl module
Grant Bremer
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25116] It failed to install Py3.5 on win2008R2
Kevin Zhang
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25117] Windows installer: precompiling stdlib fails with missing DLL errors
Marius Gedminas
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25118] OSError in os.waitpid
Rocco Matano
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25119] Windows installer fails to install VCRUNTIME140.DLL
Marius Gedminas
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25120] Python want
Djoudi Benarfa
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25121] python logger can't wrap log file and blows with traceback
Alexander Belchenko
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25122] test_eintr randomly fails on FreeBSD
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25123] Logging Documentation - dictConfig disable_existing_loggers
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25124] No single .msi available for 3.5 release
Christian Ullrich
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25125] "Edit with IDLE" does not work for shortcuts
Thijs van Dien
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25126] Non-web installer fails without a connection when doing debug install
Thijs van Dien
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25127] typo in concurrent.futures.Executor.shutdown() example
Jakub Wilk
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25128] incorrect links to files (cannot download)
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25129] suboptimal floating-point floor division
Antoine Pitrou
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25130] Make tests more PyPy compatible
Serhiy Storchaka
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25131] The AST for dict and set displays has the lineno of the first value
Claudiu Popa
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25132] unable to install mongo-python-driver-3.0.3 driver
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25133] Clarify that the constants in selectors are module-level
Brett Cannon
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25134] SSL asyncio
Bar Harel
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25135] Deques to adopt the standard clearing procedure for mutable objects
Raymond Hettinger
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25136] Python doesn't find Xcode 7 stub libraries
Tim Smith
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25137] Behavioral change / regression? with nested functools.partial
Markus Holtermann
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25138] test_socket: socket.EAI_NODATA doesn't exist on FreeBSD
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25139] Just a little refactoring
Алексей Смирнов
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25140] platform.platform() incorrectly identifies Windows 10 as 'Windows-8-6.2.9200'
Andrey Fedyashov
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25142] Misleading error when initing ImportError
Sebastian Kreft
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25143] 3.5 install fails poorly on Windows XP
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25144] 3.5 Win install fails with "TARGETDIR"
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25145] urllib how-to should be updated to remove PyGoogle
Robert Xiao
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25146] IDLE debugger could better visualize program execution
Mark Roseman
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25147] Enum: remove dependency on OrderedDict
Ethan Furman
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25148] Windows registry PythonCore key changed inconsistent with other releases
Barry Scott
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25149] datetime.weekday() off by one if handling a date from utcfromtimestamp()
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25150] yt package pip compile/install error
Alexander Heger
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25151] venv does not work with debian releases, if you want to install pip
Laura Creighton
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25152] venv documentation doesn't tell you how to specify a particular version of python
Laura Creighton
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25153] PCbuild/*.vcxproj* should use CRLF line endings
Zachary Ware
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25154] Drop the pyvenv script
Brett Cannon
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25155] raises
Vitaly Murashev
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25156] shutil.copyfile should internally use os.sendfile when possible
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25157] Installing Python 3.5.0 32bit on Windows 8.1 64bit system gives Error 0x80240017
Laura Creighton
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25158] Python 3.2.2 and 3.5.0 Do not seem compatible with OpenSSL 1.0.2d on Solaris 10
Donal Duane
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25159] Import time regression
Serhiy Storchaka
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25160] Stop using deprecated imp module; imp should now emit a real DeprecationWarning
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25161] Missing periods at the end of sentences
TAKASE Arihiro
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25162] Windows installation does not appear in list of installed applications
Christian Ullrich
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25163] Windows installer in AllUsers mode presents wrong installation path
Christian Ullrich
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25164] Windows default installation path is inconsistent between per-user and system-wide installation
Christian Ullrich
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25165] Windows uninstallation should not remove launcher if other versions remain
Christian Ullrich
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25166] Windows AllUsers installation places uninstaller in user profile
Christian Ullrich
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25168] test_datetime.test_strptime() random failures on "s390x SLES" buildbots
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25169] multiprocess documentation
John Taylor
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25170] 3.5.0 documentation archives missing
Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25171] does not build on OpenBSD with no value defined for PY_GETENTROPY
Remi Pointel
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25172] Unix-only crypt should not be present on Windows.
Terry J. Reedy
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25173] IDLE - several common dialogs don't have correct parent set
Mark Roseman
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25174] Backspace Escape Character at End of String
Jared Bevis
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25175] Documentation-Tkinter wrong statement
Rishit Bansal
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25176] Link to urllib.parse.parse_qsl, not parse_qs, from cgi.parse_qsl doc
Ville Skyttä
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25177] OverflowError in statistics.mean when summing large floats
David MacIver
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25178] IDLE: search regex errors should be in/attached to search dialog
Mark Roseman
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25179] PEP 498 f-strings need to be documented
Eric V. Smith
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25180] Tools/parser/ needs to be updated for f-strings
Eric V. Smith
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25181] Tests failed in nondecodable directory
Serhiy Storchaka
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25182] python -v crashes in nonencodable directory
Serhiy Storchaka
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25183] python -m inspect --details fails in nondecodable directory
Serhiy Storchaka
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25184] "python -m pydoc -w" fails in nondecodable directory
Serhiy Storchaka
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25185] Inconsistency between venv and site
Serhiy Storchaka
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25186] Don't duplicate _verbose_message in importlib._bootstrap and _bootstrap_external
Brett Cannon
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25187] bdist_rpm fails due to wrong hardcoded assumption about RPM filename format
David Ward
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25188] improvement for Profile Guided Optimization builds
Alecsandru Patrascu
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25189] An issue about os.acess
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25190] Define StringIO seek offset as code point offset
Martin Panter
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25191] test_getsetlocale_issue1813 failed on OpenBSD
Remi Pointel
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25192] deque append and appendleft should return value if maxlen set
Alun Champion
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25193] itertools.accumlate should have an optional initializer argument
Alun Champion
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25194] Register of Financial Interests for core contributors
Nick Coghlan
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25195] mock.ANY doesn't match mock.MagicMock() object
Felix Yan
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25196] Installer>Install in user folder by default when you check: for all users
Abdullah Hilson
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25197] Allow documentation switcher to change url to /3/ and /dev/
Matthias Bussonnier
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25198] Idle: improve idle.html help viewer.
Terry J. Reedy
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25199] Idle: add cross-references from and to macosxSupport
Terry J. Reedy
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25200] bug on using the char , -:
Diego Palharini
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25201] lock of multiprocessing.Value is not a keyword-only argument
Berker Peksag
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25202] with-statement doesn't release file handle after exception
Lauri Kajan
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25203] Incorrect handling MemoryError in readline.set_completer_delims
Serhiy Storchaka
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25204] Confusing (?) warning when run deprecated module as script
Serhiy Storchaka
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25205] setattr accepts invalid identifiers
W deW
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25206] PEP 498: Minor mistakes/outdateness
Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25207] ICC compiler warnings
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25208] improvements to the asyncio documentation
Benjamin Hodgson
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25209] Append space after completed keywords
Serhiy Storchaka
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25210] Special-case NoneType() in do_richcompare()
Ezio Melotti
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25211] Error message formatting errors in int object unit-test script
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25212] Remove the double spaces in the C-API Intro
Stéphane Wirtel
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25213] Regression: Python 3.5.0 shutil.copy2 doesn't raise PermissionError on Windows 7
Nick Evans
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25214] asyncio ssl transport regression
Andrew Svetlov
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25215] Simple extension to iter(): iter() returns empty generator
Jurjen N.E. Bos
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25216] Warnings stacklevel frames to skip
Jim Jewett
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25217] Method cache can crash at shutdown in _PyType_Lookup
Antoine Pitrou
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25218] Automate creation of idlelib/help.html from Doc/.../idle.html
Terry J. Reedy
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25219] Update doc for Idle command line argument.
Terry J. Reedy
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25220] Enhance and refactor test.regrtest (convert to a package)
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25221] PyLong_FromLong() potentially returns irregular object when small_ints[] isn't used
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25222] 3.5.0 regression - Fatal Python error: Cannot recover from stack overflow
Bernie Hackett
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25223] Statically or dynamically linked to the VC++runtime ? or how Python install fails o Vista despite the VC redist packages - api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25224] Replace Idle's README.txt with annotated file list
Terry J. Reedy
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25225] Idle doc: redo Syntax Colors section
Terry J. Reedy
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25226] "suffix" attribute not documented in logging.TimedRotatingFileHandler
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25227] Optimize ASCII/latin1 encoder with surrogateescape error handlers
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25228] Regression in cookie parsing with brackets and quotes
Tim Graham
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25229] distutils doesn't add "-Wl, " prefix to "-R" on Linux if the C compiler isn't named 'gcc'
Calvin Walton
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25230] Unix datagram sockets not supported
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25231] Argparse module and escape sequence (special symbols) in argument value
Ondřej Profant
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25232] CGIRequestHandler behave incorrectly with query component consisting mutliple ?
Xiang Zhang
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25233] AssertionError from asyncio Queue get
Guido van Rossum
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25234] test_einter.test_os_open hangs under Xcode 7
Brett Cannon
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25235] EmailMessage.add_attachment() creates parts with spurious MIME-Version header.
Kai Groner
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25236] str.maketrans wrong description for optional 3rd parameter
Brian O'Neill
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25237] Add doc for tkinter commondialog.Dialog and subclasses
Terry J. Reedy
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25238] Version added of context parameter for xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy incorrect
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25239] HTMLParser handle_starttag replaces entity references in attribute value even without semicolon
Sean Liu
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25240] Stack overflow in reprlib causes a core dump
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25241] ctypes: access violation reading
Dum Dum
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25242] Failed tests for Python 3.5.0 on shared virtual host
Open Genomes
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25243] decouple string-to-boolean logic from ConfigParser.getboolean and offer as separate function
Joshua Bronson
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25244] Idle: refine right-click behavior
Terry J. Reedy
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25245] Compile warnings in _pickle.c
Serhiy Storchaka
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25246] Alternative algorithm for deque_remove()
Raymond Hettinger
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25247] Tkinter modules built successfully but removed because they could not be imported
Abrantes Araujo Silva Filho
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25248] Discrepancy in unpickling integers with protocol 0
Serhiy Storchaka
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25249] Unneeded and unsafe mkstemp replacement in
Nir Soffer
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25250] AttributeError: 'MSVCCompiler' object has no attribute '_MSVCCompiler__version'
Matt Hickford
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25251] Unknown MS Compiler version 1900
Matt Hickford
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25252] Hard-coded line ending in asyncio.streams.StreamReader.readline
Eric V. Smith
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25253] AttributeError: 'Weather' object has no attribute 'dom'
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25254] Idle: debugger source line highlighting fails again
Terry J. Reedy
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25255] Security of CPython Builds
phelix bitcoin
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25256] Add sys.is_debug_build() public function to check if Python was compiled in debug mode
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25257] In subject line email library inserts unwanted space after a thousands comma in a number
Bob Hossley
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25258] HtmlParser doesn't handle void element tags correctly
Chenyun Yang
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25259] readline macros can segfault Python
Tim Chase
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25260] python -m test --coverage doesn't work on Windows
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25261] Incorrect Return Values for any() and all() Built-in Functions
Sreenivasulu Saya
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25262] Issues with BINUNICODE8 and BINBYTES8 opcodes in pickle
Serhiy Storchaka
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25263] test_tkinter fails randomly on the buildbots "AMD64 Windows10" (3.4, 3.5, 3.x)
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25264] test_marshal always crashs on "AMD64 Windows10 2.7" buildbot
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25265] Python install failed windows 8.1- Error 0x80240017: Failed to execute MSU package
Rahil Khurshid
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25266] mako benchmark not working in Python 3.6
Florin Papa
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25267] Optimize UTF-8 encoder with error handlers
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25268] Support pointing frozen modules to the corresponding source files, if available.
Eric Snow
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25269] Add method to detect if a string contains surrogates
R. David Murray
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25270] codecs.escape_encode systemerror on empty byte string
Paul Kehrer
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25271] SystemError when doing codecs.escape_encode(b'')
Florian Bruhin
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25272] asyncio tests are getting noisy
Guido van Rossum
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25273] Console interpreter holds a hard link on last displayed object
Vladislav Ignatenko
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25274] "./python -m test -R 3:3: test_sys": Fatal Python error: Cannot recover from stack overflow
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25275] Documentation v/s behaviour mismatch wrt integer literals containing non-ASCII characters
Shreevatsa R
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25276] test_decimal sometimes crash on PPC64 AIX 3.x
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25277] test_eintr hangs on randomly on "AMD64 FreeBSD 9.x 3.x"
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25278] Unexpected socket exception on SFTP 'STOR' command
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25279] Unexpected ftplib.error_xxx exception on SFTP 'STOR' command
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25280] Message can be formatted twice in importlib
Serhiy Storchaka
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25281] Incorrect enum behavior during json.dumps serialization
Vitaly Belman
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25282] Support for recursive patterns
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25283] Make tm_gmtoff and tm_zone available on all platforms
Alexander Belopolsky
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25284] Docs for BaseEventLoop.run_in_executor(executor, callback, *args) is outdated in documentation
Yaroslav Admin
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue25285] regrtest: run tests in subprocesses with -j1 on buildbots
Last message date:
Wed Sep 30 22:36:02 CEST 2015
Archived on: Wed Sep 30 22:36:06 CEST 2015
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