[New-bugs-announce] [issue28780] netrc throws NetrcParseError for record without 'password'

Mark Wood report at bugs.python.org
Wed Nov 23 11:18:23 EST 2016

New submission from Mark Wood:

netrc.netrc() throws a NetrcParseError if ~/.netrc contains an entry witout a 'password' field.  Other users of .netrc do not do this.  In my case, I have entries for sftp hosts which will use public-key authentication instead of a password.

What I would suggest is that if any or all of 'login', 'account', and 'password' are omitted, simply accept that and store a 0-length string.

Someone on StackOverflow says he has rewritten netrc to fix various problems but doesn't know how to contribute it.  http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28754547/python-netrc-error-on-file-with-comment

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 281567
nosy: Mark Wood
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: netrc throws NetrcParseError for record without 'password'
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.4

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