[New-bugs-announce] [issue32080] Error Installing Python 3.6.3 on ubuntu 16.04

Sachin Pathave report at bugs.python.org
Mon Nov 20 01:05:49 EST 2017

New submission from Sachin Pathave <spathave2010 at gmail.com>:

test failed when I run command $make test
FAILED (failures=1, skipped=1)
test test_re failed
2 tests failed again:
    test_re test_venv

components: 2to3 (2.x to 3.x conversion tool)
files: test.Screenshot from 2017-11-20 11-12-41.png
messages: 306529
nosy: sachin
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Error Installing Python 3.6.3 on ubuntu 16.04
type: resource usage
versions: Python 3.6
Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file47277/test.Screenshot from 2017-11-20 11-12-41.png

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