[New-bugs-announce] [issue33349] 2to3 fails to parse async generators in non-async functions

Zsolt Dollenstein report at bugs.python.org
Tue Apr 24 09:02:45 EDT 2018

New submission from Zsolt Dollenstein <zsol.zsol at gmail.com>:

This is valid since python3.7:

def f():
    return (i * 2 async for i in arange(42))

but lib2to3 doesn't parse this properly, because `async` is tokenized as a `NAME` instead of `ASYNC`

components: 2to3 (2.x to 3.x conversion tool)
messages: 315700
nosy: zsol
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: 2to3 fails to parse async generators in non-async functions
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.7, Python 3.8

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