[New-bugs-announce] [issue34463] Discrepancy between traceback.print_exception and sys.__excepthook__

Timothy McCurrach report at bugs.python.org
Wed Aug 22 15:01:06 EDT 2018

New submission from Timothy McCurrach <tim.mccurrach at gmail.com>:

If you have set sys.excepthook to some function which calls traceback.print_exception, then I would expect to get identical traceback/exception messages. If you run raise SyntaxError("some message"), then print_exception has the extra line `File "<string>", line None`. 

This comes from lines 558-561 of traceback.py:

# It was a syntax error; show exactly where the problem was found.
filename = self.filename or "<string>"
lineno = str(self.lineno) or '?'
yield '  File "{}", line {}\n'.format(filename, lineno)

Is it expected behaviour that these two functions behave differently, or should there be something like:
if self.filename or self.lineno:

Also, if self.lineno is None, then str(self.lineno) evaluates to "None" and so the ? is never used.

components: Demos and Tools
messages: 323902
nosy: Timothy McCurrach
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Discrepancy between traceback.print_exception and sys.__excepthook__
type: behavior

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