[New-bugs-announce] [issue37888] Sub-interpreters : Confusing docs about state after calling Py_NewInterpreter()

Joannah Nanjekye report at bugs.python.org
Mon Aug 19 15:05:22 EDT 2019

New submission from Joannah Nanjekye <nanjekyejoannah at gmail.com>:

In the documentation for Py_NewInterpreter(): It is said that :

The return value points to the first thread state created in the new sub-interpreter.  This thread state is made in the current thread state.

I think changing :

This thread state is made in the current thread state.


This thread state is made the current thread state.

Sounds good. Since a call such as:

substate = Py_NewInterpreter()

makes *substate* the current state. no?

The *in* takes me in a different direction of thought.

messages: 349964
nosy: nanjekyejoannah
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Sub-interpreters : Confusing docs about state after calling Py_NewInterpreter()

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