February 2020 Archives by author
Starting: Sat Feb 1 05:48:01 EST 2020
Ending: Sat Feb 29 22:42:42 EST 2020
Messages: 290
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39707] Abstract property setter/deleter implementation not enforced.
Arn Vollebregt (KPN)
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39733] Bug in hypergeometric function
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39731] ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_ctypes'
Md. Al-Helal
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39644] Add Binary module.
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39648] Update math.gcd() to accept "n" arguments.
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39577] venv --prompt argument is ignored
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39699] Ubuntu Github action not fully running build process
Ammar Askar
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39539] Improve Keccak support in hashlib including KangarooTwelve
Gilles Van Assche
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39554] @functools.lru_cache() not respecting typed=False
Benoit B
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39643] Python calls newfstatat for "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>" in inspect
Ivan Babrou
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39623] __str__ and __repr__ for asyncio.Task still omit arg values
Stuart Ball
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39548] Request fails when 'WWW-Authenticate' header for Digest Authentication does not contain 'qop'
Stephen Balousek
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39520] AST Unparser can't unparse ext slices correctly
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39522] AST Unparser with unicode kinded constants
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39755] Change example of itertools.product
Mark Bell
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39680] datetime.astimezone() method does not handle invalid local times as required by PEP 495
Alexander Belopolsky
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39624] Trace greedy replaces $prefix and $exec_prefix
Ben Boeckel
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39547] hmac.new() default parameter change not mentioned in changelog
Will Bond
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39776] Crash in decimal module in heavy-multithreaded scenario
Evgeny Boytsov
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39702] PEP 614: Relaxing Grammar Restrictions On Decorators
Brandt Bucher
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39795] multiprocessing creates duplicates of .pyc files
Ivan Bykov
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39549] The reprlib.Repr type should permit the “fillvalue” to be set by the user
Alexander Böhn
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39582] ossaudiodev update helpers signature
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39572] [typing] TypedDict's 'total' argument is undocumented
Brett Cannon
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39777] Use the codecov GH Action
Brett Cannon
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39787] test_ssl and test_urllib2_localnet failing with new OpenSSL
Matheus Castanho
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39757] EmailMessage wrong encoding for international domain
Julien Castiaux
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39758] StreamWriter.wait_closed() can hang indefinately.
Tom Christie
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39708] final link stage in compile fails for 3.8.1 with missing CFLAGS
Dennis Clarke
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39709] missing CFLAGS during make tests results in test and compile failure
Dennis Clarke
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39711] SIGBUS and core dumped during tests of 3.8.1
Dennis Clarke
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39552] shell scripts use legacy
Frazer Clews
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39799] Never return base's fragment from urljoin (urllib.parse)
Open Close
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39661] TimedRotatingFileHandler doesn’t handle DST switch with daily rollover
Joe Cool
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39595] Improve performance of importlib.metadata and zipfile.Path
Jason R. Coombs
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39667] Update zipfile.Path with zipfile 3.0
Jason R. Coombs
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39791] New `files()` api from importlib_resources.
Jason R. Coombs
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39565] Modules/signalmodule.c only works with `NSIG` signals; requires fudging to support realtime signals, etc
Enji Cooper
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39742] Enhancement: add `os.getdtablesize(..)` to `os` (`posix`) module
Enji Cooper
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39762] PyLong_AS_LONG missing from longobject.h
Enji Cooper
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39805] Copying functions doesn't actually copy them
Steven D'Aprano
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39765] asyncio loop.set_signal_handler() may not behave as expected
Roger Dahl
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39599] ABI breakage between 3.7.4 and 3.7.5
Julien Danjou
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39635] One paragraph of the doc is not translated in French
Frédéric Danna
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39651] Exceptions raised by EventLoop.call_soon_threadsafe
Ben Darnell
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39700] asyncio.selector_events._SelectorTransport: Add logging when sock.getpeername() fails
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39632] variadic function call broken on armhf when passing a float argument
Nicolas Dessart
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39530] Documentation about comparisons between numeric types is misleading
Mark Dickinson
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39622] KeyboardInterrupt is ignored when await asyncio.sleep(0)
Zhibin Dong
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39553] Delete HAVE_SXS protected code
Steve Dower
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39555] test_distutils fails for Windows debug build
Steve Dower
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39631] Fix file association MIME type on Windows
Steve Dower
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39789] Update Windows release build machines to latest versions
Steve Dower
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39790] LICENSE.TXT file does not contain all incorporated software
Steve Dower
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39531] Memory Leak in multiprocessing.Pool()
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39727] cgi.parse() fatally attempts str.decode when handling multipart/form-data
James Edington
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39750] UnicodeError becomes unpicklable if data is appended to args
João Eiras
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39751] multiprocessing breaks when payload fails to unpickle
João Eiras
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39752] multiprocessing halts when child process crashes/quits
João Eiras
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39615] cpython/abstract.h not compatible with C90
Peter Eisentraut
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39627] Fix TypedDict totalizy check for inherited keys
Vlad Emelianov
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39592] Year not updated at python.org
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39629] inspect.signature fails on math.hypot
Eric Fahlgren
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39730] Licence (license) for Python 3.8.1 is missing
Mark Fernandes
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39746] Inappropriate short circuit relating to inequality comparison and membership test
Orion Fisher
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39797] shutdown() in socketserver.BaseServer should be in a different thread from serve_forever()
Ama Aje My Fren
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39725] unrelated `from None` exceptions lose prior exception information
Ethan Furman
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39659] pathlib calls `os.getcwd()` without using accessor
Barney Gale
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39682] pathlib.Path objects can be used as context managers
Barney Gale
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39604] Document PyDateTimeAPI / PyDateTime_CAPI struct
Paul Ganssle
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39804] timezone constants in time module inaccurate with negative DST (e.g. Ireland)
Paul Ganssle
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39681] pickle.load expects an object that implements readinto
Nathan Goldbaum
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39703] Floor division operator and floats
Kostis Gourgoulias
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39571] clang warns "warning: redefinition of typedef 'PyTypeObject' is a C11 feature [-Wtypedef-redefinition]"
Sam Gross
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39654] pyclbr: remove old references to class browser & add explain readmodule
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39594] Typo in documentation for os.times
Chenyoo Hao
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39726] ctypes on pypi has fallen behind
David Harding
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39578] MagicMock specialisation instance can no longer be passed to new MagicMock instance
Frank Harrison
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39523] Unnecessary variable assignment and initial loop check in pysqlite_cursor_executescript
Alex Henrie
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39614] Documentation of attribute reference is unclear
Dirk Herrmann
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39773] Export symbols for vectorcall
David Hewitt
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39642] Behaviour of disabled widgets: widget.bind(func) -vs- w = widget(command=func)
Clinton Hunter
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39525] math.remainder() give wrong answer on large integer
David Hwang
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39550] isinstance accepts subtypes of tuples as second argument
Joachim Jablon
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39782] local varible referenced a Exception won't be collected in function
Wang Jie
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39601] brace escapes are not working in formatted string literal format specifications
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39686] add dump_json to ast module
Richard K
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39626] random choice to delegate to sample on sets
Ilya Kamenshchikov
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39760] ast.FormattedValue.format_spec unnecessarily wrapped in JoinedStr
Ilya Kamenshchikov
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39586] Deprecate bdist_msi: use bdist_wheel instead
Hugo van Kemenade
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39694] Incorrect dictionary unpacking when calling str.format
Akos Kiss
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39691] Allow passing Pathlike objects to io.open_code
Maor Kleinberger
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39701] Azure Pipelines PR broken
Stefan Krah
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39704] Disable code coverage
Stefan Krah
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39794] Add --without-decimal-contextvar option to use just threads in decimal
Stefan Krah
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39668] segmentation fault on calling __reversed__()
Grzegorz Krasoń
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39763] Hang after fork due to logging trying to reacquire the module lock in an atfork() handler
Elad Lahav
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39759] os.getenv documentation is misleading
Rémi Lapeyre
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39660] Contextvars: Optional callbacks on state change
Leonard Lausen
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39778] collections.OrderedDict and weakref.ref raises "refcount is too small" assertion
Leonard Lausen
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39716] argparse.ArgumentParser does not raise on duplicated subparsers, even though it does on duplicated flags
Antony Lee
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39775] inspect.Signature.parameters should be an OrderedDict, not a plain dict
Antony Lee
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39783] Optimize construction of Path from other Paths by just returning the same object?
Antony Lee
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39588] Use memcpy() instead of for() loops in _PyUnicode_To*
Andy Lester
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39591] Functions in Python/traceback.c can take const pointer arguments
Andy Lester
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39605] Fix some casts to not cast away const
Andy Lester
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39620] PyObject_GetAttrString and tp_getattr do not agree
Andy Lester
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39621] md5_compress() in Modules/md5module.c can take a const buf
Andy Lester
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39630] Const some pointers to string literals
Andy Lester
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39684] PyUnicode_IsIdentifier has two if/thens that can be combined
Andy Lester
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39721] Fix constness of members of tok_state struct.
Andy Lester
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39736] const strings in Modules/_datetimemodule.c and Modules/_testbuffer.c
Andy Lester
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39770] Remove unnecessary size calculation in array_modexec in Modules/arraymodule.c
Andy Lester
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39803] _PyLong_FormatAdvancedWriter has an unnecessary str
Andy Lester
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39569] Is the return value of pathlib.Path.glob() sorted?
Björn Lindqvist
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39658] Include user scripts folder to PATH on Windows
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39597] sorting the String
Shani M
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39557] ThreadPoolExecutor is busy-waiting when idle.
Avraham Mahfuda
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39728] Instantiating enum with invalid value results in ValueError twice
Jonas Malaco
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39628] msg.walk memory leak?
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39744] asyncio.subprocess's communicate(None) does not close stdin
Marek Marczykowski-Górecki
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39650] Creating zip file where names in local header don't match with central header
Paul Marquess
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39575] `coverage` build target should use --coverage instead of -lgcov
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39566] inspect.Signature.__init__ asks for parameters as dict but treats as list
Nicholas Matthews
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39603] Injection in http.client
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39685] Python 3.8 regression Socket operation on non-socket
Brian May
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39587] Mixin repr overrides Enum repr in some cases
Ryan McCampbell
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39540] Logging docs don't address the creation of multiple loggers when a hierarchy is provided
Alexander McFarlane
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39720] Signature.bind TypeErrors could be more helpful
Frazer McLean
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39780] Add HTTP Response code 451
Ali McMaster
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39640] fall back os.fdatasync() to fsync() on POSIX systems without fdatasync() support
George Melikov
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39546] argparse: allow_abbrev=False is ignored for alternative prefix characters
Kyle Meyer
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39705] Tutorial, 5.6 Looping Techniques, sorted() example
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39609] Set the thread_name_prefix for asyncio's default executor ThreadPoolExecutor
Markus Mohrhard
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39706] unittest.IsolatedAsyncioTestCase hangs on asyncio.CancelledError
Andrey Moiseev
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39560] PyUnicode_FromKindAndData kind transformation is not documented
Santiago M. Mola
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39583] Remove superfluous "extern C" bits from Include/cpython/*.h
Skip Montanaro
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39678] RFC improve readability of _queue_management_worker for ProcessPoolExecutor
Thomas Moreau
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39756] Event sequence "KeyRelease-Shift_R" not being fired
Devin Morgan
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39800] Inconsistent/incomplete disassembly of methods vs method source code
S Murthy
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39532] Pathlib: handling of `.` in paths and patterns creates unmatchable paths
Isaac Muse
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39564] Parsed expression has wrong line/col info when concatenating f-strings
Lysandros Nikolaou
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39579] Attribute node in a decorator has wrong end_col_offset
Lysandros Nikolaou
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39633] venv does not include python<major>.<minor> symlink by default
Lysandros Nikolaou
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39619] os.chroot is not enabled on HP-UX builds
Ian Norton
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39568] FORMATTING grouping_option ValueError: Cannot specify ', ' with ...
Another One
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39655] Shared_Memory attaching to incorrect Address in Windows
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39534] Clarify tutorial on return statement in finally clause.
Julien Palard
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39710] "will be returned as unicode" reminiscent from Python 2
Julien Palard
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39634] Incorrect heapq heapify naming
Harsh Patel
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39576] Surprising MemoryError in `decimal` with MAX_PREC
Tim Peters
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39535] multiprocessing.Process file descriptor resource leak
Robert Pierce
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39712] Doc for `-X dev` option should mention PYTHONDEVMODE
Antoine Pitrou
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39734] Deprecate readinto() fallback path in _pickle.c
Antoine Pitrou
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39761] Python 3.9.0a4 fails to build when configured with --with-dtrace
Marcel Plch
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39521] reversed(mylist) much slower on Python 3.8.1 32-bit for Windows
Stefan Pochmann
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39801] list.insert is slow due to manual memmove
Stefan Pochmann
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39671] Mention in docs that asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED does not guarantee the completion of no more than one task
Tom Pohl
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39743] variable quiet is not defined in function main.
Syed Habeeb Ullah Quadri
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39715] Implement __repr__ methods for AST classes
Ram Rachum
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39717] Fix exception causes in tarfile module
Ram Rachum
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39517] runpy calls open_code with Path object
Tomas Ravinskas
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39598] ERR_CACHE_MISS
Thomas Reed
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39669] macOS test failures
Terry J. Reedy
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39781] IDLE: Do not jump when select in codecontext
Terry J. Reedy
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39637] Probably incorrect message after failed import
Rick van Rein
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39559] uuid.getnode() has unused argument
Sebastian Rittau
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39740] Select module fails to build on Solaris 11.4
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39613] IsolatedAsyncioTestCase closes default event loop
Artur Rodrigues
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39607] Add a parameter to strip, lstrip, and rstrip that treats the first parameter as a full string
Chris Rogers
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39693] tarfile's extractfile documentation is misleading
Josh Rosenberg
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39679] functools: singledispatchmethod doesn't work with classmethod
Viktor Roytman
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39663] IDLE: Add additional tests for pyparse
Cheryl Sabella
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39666] IDLE: Factor out similar code in editor and hyperparser
Cheryl Sabella
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39735] Signal handler is invoked recursively
Masahiro Sakai
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39745] BlockingIOError.characters_written represents number of bytes not characters
Masahiro Sakai
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39792] Two Ctrl+C is required to terminate when a pipe is blocking
Masahiro Sakai
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39688] tarfile: GNU sparse 1.0 pax tar header offset not properly computed
Valentin Samir
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39537] Change line number table format
Mark Shannon
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39718] TYPE_IGNORE, COLONEQUAL missing from py38 changes in token docs
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39719] tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile still has softspace property
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39722] decimal differs between pure Python and C implementations
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39723] io.open_code should accept PathLike objects
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39584] MacOS crashes by running attached Python code
Vinay Sharma
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39589] Logging QueueListener should support context manager
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39664] Improve test coverage for operator module
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39616] SSLContext.check_hostname description is inaccurate wrt match_hostname
Ville Skyttä
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39692] Subprocess using list vs string
Niklas Smedemark-Margulies
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39771] EmailMessage.add_header doesn't work
hwgdb Smith
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39747] test_os debug assertion failure
Ethan Smith
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39769] compileall.compile_dir(..., ddir="<prefix>") omits the intermediate package paths when prepending the prefix
Gregory P. Smith
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39724] IDLE threading + stdout/stdin observed blocking behavior
John Smith
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39606] Regression: it should be possible to close async iterators multiple times
Nathaniel Smith
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39528] add "
Dan Snider
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39563] asyncio.Protocol on windows 10 x64
Hector E. Socarras
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39580] Check for COMMAND_LINE_INSTALL variable in Python_Documentation.pkg
Mike Solin
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39656] shebanged scripts can escape from `venv` depending on how it was created
Anthony Sottile
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39645] Expand concurrent.futures.Future's public API
Kyle Stanley
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39538] SystemError when set Element.attrib to non-dict
Serhiy Storchaka
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39545] await is not supported in f-string in 3.6
Serhiy Storchaka
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39567] Add audit for os.walk, os.fwalk, Path.glob() and Path.rglob()
Serhiy Storchaka
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39690] Compiler warnings in unicodeobject.c
Serhiy Storchaka
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39689] test_struct failure on s390x Fedora Clang buildbot
Charalampos Stratakis
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39612] Python UnicodeDecodeError while using modulefinder
ArtOfCode Studio
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39516] ++ does not throw a SyntaxError
Marco Sulla
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39695] Failed to build _uuid module, but libraries was installed
Marco Sulla
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39696] Failed to build _ssl module, but libraries was installed
Marco Sulla
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39697] Failed to build with --with-cxx-main=g++-9.2.0
Marco Sulla
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39698] asyncio.sleep() does not adhere to time.sleep() behavior for negative numbers
Marco Sulla
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39754] update_one_slot() does not inherit sq_contains and mp_subscript if they are explictly declared
Marco Sulla
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39784] Tuple comprehension
Marco Sulla
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39788] Exponential notation should return an int if it can
Marco Sulla
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39529] Deprecate get_event_loop()
Andrew Svetlov
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39590] collections.deque.__contains__ and .count should hold strong references.
Dennis Sweeney
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39657] Bezout and Chinese Remainder Theorem in the Standard Library?
Dennis Sweeney
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39737] Speed up list.__eq__ by about 6%
Dennis Sweeney
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39638] Keep ASDL signatures for AST nodes
Batuhan Taskaya
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39639] Remote Suite node from AST
Batuhan Taskaya
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39741] Argument Clinic name conflict
Batuhan Taskaya
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39793] make_msgid fail on FreeBSD 12.1-RELEASE-p1 with different domains
Batuhan Taskaya
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39798] Update and Improve README.AIX
Batuhan Taskaya
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39802] Ensure {get, set}_escdelay and {get, set}_tabsize only implemented when the extensions are activated
Batuhan Taskaya
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39602] importlib: lazy loading can result in reimporting a submodule
Pox TheGreat
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39767] create multiprocessing.SharedMemory by pointing to existing memoryview
Dariusz Trawinski
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39570] Python 3.7.3 Crash on msilib actions
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39536] Datetime strftime: %Y exports years < 1000 with 3 digits instead of 4 on Linux
Jairo Vadillo
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39541] distutils: Remove bdist_wininst (Windows .exe installers) in favor of bdist_wheel (.whl)
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39542] Cleanup object.h header
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39543] Py_DECREF(): use inlined _Py_Dealloc()
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39561] AMD64 Fedora Rawhide LTO + PGO 3.x: "checking for getaddrinfo... no"
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39573] Make PyObject an opaque structure in the limited C API
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39600] idle_test: test_fontlist_key() fails if two fonts have the same name
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39611] PyVectorcall_NARGS(): change return type to Py_ssize_t
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39674] Keep deprecated features in Python 3.9 to ease migration from Python 2.7, but remove in Python 3.10
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39676] test_shutil fails with OSError: [Errno 28] No space left on device on "PPC64LE Fedora Stable LTO + PGO 3.x" buildbot
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39551] mock patch should match behavior of import from when module isn't present in sys.modules
Dino Viehland
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39618] logger.exception with default message
Denis Vieira
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39713] ElementTree limitation
Ananth Vijalapuram
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39714] ElementTree limitation
Ananth Vijalapuram
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39625] Traceback needs more details
Andrew Wall
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39732] plistlib should export UIDs in XML like Apple does
Mingye Wang
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39574] str.__doc__ is misleading
Zachary Westrick
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39610] memoryview.__len__ should raise an exception for 0d buffers
Eric Wieser
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39652] sqlite3 bug handling column names that contain square braces
Simon Willison
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39753] inspecting a partial with bound keywods gives incorrect signature
Chris Withers
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39729] stat.S_ISXXX can raise OverflowError for remote file modes
Arnon Yaari
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39673] TimeoutError
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39556] Different objects of the same class references the same dictionary
Kevin Young
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39687] re.sub behaves inconsistent between versions with * repetition qualifier
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39653] test_posix fails during make test
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39518] Dark theme
Vitaly Zdanevich
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39764] PyAsyncGenObject causes task.get_stack() raising AttributeError
Lidi Zheng
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39641] concatenation of Tuples
bruce blosser
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39519] Can't upgrade pip version 19.3.1 to 20.0.2 on Python 3.7.4
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39779] [argparse] Add parameter to sort help output arguments
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39785] usr/bin/python doesn't use default python (3) on Windows
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39675] forked process in multiprocessing does not honour atexit
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39649] bdb.Bdb.format_stack_entry: checks for obsolete __args__
daniel hahler
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39766] unittest's assertRaises removes locals from tracebacks
daniel hahler
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39774] Missing documentation on how to make package executable as script
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39670] 2to3 fix_apply tries to fix user-defined apply function calls
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39683] 2to3 fix_exitfunc suggests duplicated import of atexit module
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39562] Asynchronous comprehensions don't work in asyncio REPL
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39526] print(text1.get(1.2,1.5))
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39524] Escape sequences in doc string of ast._pad_whitespace
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39672] SIGSEGV crash on shutdown with shelve & c pickle
zd nex
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39739] Python crash every time opening pycharm, seems related to tensorflow
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39533] Use `statx(2)` system call on Linux for extended `os.stat` information
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39665] Cryptic error message when creating types that don't include themselves in their MRO
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39748] PyScripter could not find Python 3.8 64 bits
Noel del rosario
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39617] max_workers argument to concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor is not flexible enough
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39527] Update doc of argparse.rst
hai shi
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39585] Delete a pending item in _warning.c
hai shi
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39593] Adding a unit test of ctypes
hai shi
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39646] compile warning in unicodeobject.c
hai shi
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39647] Update doc of init_config.rst
hai shi
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39796] warning extension module inited twice in python3.9
hai shi
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39786] Have the heaps library support max heap
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39544] Pathlib PureWindowsPath sorting incorrect (is not natural sort)
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39677] 3.6+ documentation for MAKE_FUNCTION
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39738] mod operation with large number is not correct.
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39596] reverse parameter for enumerate()
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39608] Bug in 00000000000000000
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39768] remove tempfile.mktemp()
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39772] Python 2 FAQ shown in help at python.org auto reply
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39558] Implement __len__() for itertools.combinations
Борис Верховский
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39636] Can't change Treeview row color in Tkinter
Олег Париев
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39662] Characters are garbled when displaying Byte data
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39749] python 3.8.1 (3.14 * 10 = 31.400000002 bug)
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39581] Python Interpreter Doesn't Work Well In Thread Class
Last message date:
Sat Feb 29 22:42:42 EST 2020
Archived on: Sat Feb 29 22:42:54 EST 2020
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