January 2020 Archives by date
Starting: Wed Jan 1 02:21:44 EST 2020
Ending: Fri Jan 31 22:45:08 EST 2020
Messages: 339
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39177] In tkinter, simple dialogs, askstrings, etc. with flexible coordinates and no viewable parent.
Dominic Mayers
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39178] Should we make dict not accept a sequence of sets?
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39179] pandas tz_convert() seems to report incorrect date conversion
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39180] Missing getlines func documentation from linecache module
Khalid Mammadov
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39181] Add `os.makedirs()` as `Path.mkdir()` equivalent in correspondence table
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39182] sys.addaudithook(hook) loops indefinitely on mismatch for hook
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39183] Text divided in two strings due to wrong formatting
Rafael Fontenelle
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39184] Many command execution functions are not raising auditing events
Saiyang Gou
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39185] Add quiet and detailed verbosity levels to build.bat
anthony shaw
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39186] Windows installer instructions refer to mercurial
anthony shaw
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39187] urllib.robotparser does not respect the longest match for the rule
Andre Burgaud
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39188] recent change when passing a Union to a function
Kevin Schlossser
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39189] Use io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE for filecmp BUFSIZE variable
Bahram Aghaei
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39190] _result_handler dies on raised exceptions [multiprocessing]
Sindri Guðmundsson
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39191] Coroutine is awaited despite an exception in run_until_complete()
Kaveshnikov Denis
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39192] relationlist module
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39193] Out-of-bound write in ceval.c:_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39194] asyncio.open_connection returns a closed client when server fails to authenticate client certificate
Jonathan Martin
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39195] re._compile should check if the argument is a compiled pattern before checking cache and flags
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39196] json fails to encode dictionary view types
Joe Gordon
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39197] Support the title and description arguments for mutually exclusive argument groups
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39198] Lock may not be released in Logger.isEnabledFor
Derek Brown
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39199] Improve the AST documentation
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39200] Inaccurate TypeError message for `range` without argument
Julien Férard
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39201] Threading.timer leaks memory in 3.8.0/3.8.1
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39202] Python shelve __del__ ignored exception
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39203] python3 time module misses attributes in Mac installers
Jason Li
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39204] Automate adding Type Annotations to Documentation
Cooper Lees
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39205] Hang when interpreter exits after ProcessPoolExecutor.shutdown(wait=False)
Brian Quinlan
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39206] Modulefinder does not consider source file encoding
Nicholas Feix
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39207] concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor does not properly reap jobs and spawns too many workers
Yusef Shaban
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39208] PDB pm function throws exception without sys import
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39209] Crash on REPL mode with long text copy and paste
Dong-hee Na
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39210] Sorting falls back to use __gt__ when __lt__ is not present
Yan Mitrofanov
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39211] Change in http.server default IP behavior?
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39212] Show qualified function name when giving arguments error
Ram Rachum
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39213] cmd should have a hook in the finally block of cmdloop
Joseph Sible
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39214] Add curses.window.in_wch
Anthony Sottile
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39215] Type Annotation of nested function with positional only arguments triggers SystemError
Anthony Sottile
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39216] ast_opt.c -- missing posonlyargs?
Anthony Sottile
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39217] GC of a ctypes object causes application crash
Kevin Schlossser
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39218] Assertion failure when calling statistics.variance() on a float32 Numpy array
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39219] Fix attributes of syntax errors raized in the tokenizer
Serhiy Storchaka
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39220] constant folding affects annotations despite 'from __future__ import annotations'
Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39221] Cross compiled python installed wrong version of lib2to3/Grammar pickle
Andrew Aladjev
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39222] unittest.mock.Mock.parent is broken or undocumented
Florian Brucker
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39223] Fold constant slicing with slices
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39224] HTTPConnection.timeout None support
Daniel Farley
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39225] Python should warn when a global/local has the same name as a builtin
Reuven Lerner
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39226] venv does not include pythonXX.lib
Antonio Vázquez Blanco
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39227] OverflowError in len(range(2**63))
Zac Hatfield-Dodds
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39228] traceback.FrameSummary does not handle exceptions from `repr()`
daniel hahler
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39229] library/functions.rst causes translated builds to fail
Rafael Fontenelle
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39230] fail on datetime import if _datetime.py exists in PATH
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39231] Mistaken notion in tutorial
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39232] asyncio crashes when tearing down the proactor event loop
Michael Hall
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39233] glossary entry for parameter out-of-date for positional-only parameters
Mark Dickinson
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39234] `enum.auto()` incrementation value not specified.
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39235] Generator expression has wrong line/col info when inside a Call object
Lysandros Nikolaou
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39236] Adding a .gitignore file to virtual environments
Brett Cannon
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39237] Redundant call to round in delta_new
Alex Henrie
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39238] test_asyncio: test_cancel_make_subprocess_transport_exec() hangs randomly on PPC64LE Fedora 3.x
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39239] select.epoll.unregister(fd) should not ignore EBADF
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39240] keyerror in string format
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39241] Popen of python3.6 hangs on os.read(errpipe_read, 50000)
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39242] Update news.gmane.org to news.gmane.io
Dong-hee Na
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39243] CDLL __init__ no longer supports name being passed as None when the handle is not None
David Heffernan
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39244] multiprocessing.get_all_start_methods() wrong default on macOS
Stefan Holek
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39245] Public API for Vectorcall (PEP 590)
Petr Viktorin
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39246] shutil.rmtree is inefficient because of using os.scandir instead of os.walk
Felipe A. Hernandez
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39247] dataclass defaults and property don't work together
Michael Robellard
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39248] test_distutils fails on PPC64 Fedora 3.x
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39249] difflib SequenceMatcher 200 char length limitation for ratio calculation
Daniel Pezoa
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39250] os.path.commonpath() not so common
Filipp Lepalaan
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39251] outdated windows store links in WindowsApps folder
Brian McKim
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39252] email.contentmanager.raw_data_manager bytes handler breaks on 7bit cte
Ryan McCampbell
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39253] Running the test suite with --junit-xml and -R incorrectly reports refleaks
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39254] python shebang in python3 tarball files
Arkadiusz Miskiewicz Arkadiusz Miskiewicz
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39255] Windows and Unix run-time differences
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39256] Exception handler set by set_exception_handler is called only when I run coroutine by create_task
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39257] contextvars.Context.run hangs forever in ProccessPoolExecutor
Ron Serruya
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39258] json serialiser errors with numpy int64
Tony Hirst
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39259] poplib.POP3/POP3_SSL should reject timeout = 0
Dong-hee Na
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39260] find_executable() Fails To Find Many Executables on Windows
Thomas Passin
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39261] Dead assignment in pyinit_config
Alex Henrie
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39262] Unused error message in _sharedexception_bind
Alex Henrie
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39263] Windows Installer can't select TargetDir in UI?
Jameson Nash
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39264] Fix UserDict.get to account for __missing__
Bar Harel
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39265] test_ssl failed on AMD64 RHEL8 Refleaks 2.7
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39266] [2.7] test_bsddb3 leaked [1, 1, 1] file descriptors on AMD64 RHEL7 Refleaks 2.7
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39267] Fix dict's __missing__ documentation
Bar Harel
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39268] test_asyncio: test_create_server_ssl_verified() failed on AMD64 FreeBSD Non-Debug 3.x
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39269] Descriptor how-to guide wanting update for 3.6+ features
wim glenn
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39270] Dead assignment in config_init_module_search_paths
Alex Henrie
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39271] Dead assignment in pattern_subx
Alex Henrie
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39272] Dead assignment in _ssl__SSLContext_load_verify_locations_impl
Alex Henrie
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39273] ncurses does not include BUTTON5_* constants
Michael Yoo
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39274] Conversion from fractions.Fraction to bool
François Durand
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39275] Traceback off by one line when
Facundo Batista
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39276] type() cause segmentation fault in callback function called from C extension
Paweł Karczewski
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39277] _PyTime_FromDouble() fails to detect an integer overflow when converting a C double to a C int64_t
Thomas Grainger
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39278] add docstrings to functions in pdb module
Carl Bordum Hansen
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39279] Don't allow non-Ascii digits in platform.py
Ram Rachum
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39280] Don't allow datetime parsing to accept non-Ascii digits
Ram Rachum
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39281] The CO_NESTED flag is associated with a significant performance cost
Dan Snider
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39282] python-config --embed documentation
Milo D Kerr
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39283] Add ability to inherit unittest arguement parser
Ajay Tripathi
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39284] Flexible indentation
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39285] PurePath.match indicates case-sensitive nature and presents a case-insensitive example
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39286] Configure includes LIBS but does not pass it to distutils
Alex Grund
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39287] Document UTF-8 mode in the using/windows.
Inada Naoki
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39288] Add math.nextafter(a, b)
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39289] crypt.crypt crashes on 3.9 where it didn't on 3.8
Vinay Sajip
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39290] lib2to3.fixes.fix_import: support imports_as_name in traverse_imports
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39291] "pathlib.Path.link_to()" and "pathlib.Path.symlink_to()" have reversed usage
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39292] syslog constants behind rfc
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39293] Windows 10 64-bit needs reboot
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39294] zipfile.ZipInfo objects contain invalid 'extra' fields.
Bram Stolk
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39295] usage of bitfields in ctypes structures changed between 3.7.5 and 3.7.6
Matthew Newville
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39296] Windows register keys
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39297] Synchronize importlib.metadata with importlib_metadata 1.4
Jason R. Coombs
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39298] add BLAKE3 to hashlib
Larry Hastings
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39299] Improve test coverage for mimetypes module
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39300] dataclasses non-default argument follows default argument
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39301] Specification of bitshift on integers should clearly state floor division used
Nick Coghlan
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39302] Language reference does not clearly describe modern operand coercion
Nick Coghlan
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39303] Refactor cmd module
Dan Arad
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39304] Don't accept a negative number for the count argument in str.replace(old, new[, count])
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39305] Merge nntplib._NNTPBase and nntplib.NNTP
Dong-hee Na
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39306] Lib/configparser.py - RawConfigParser.set does not pass non-truthy values through to Interpolation.before_set
Hans Strijker
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39307] Memory leak in parsetok
Alex Henrie
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39308] Literal[True] interpreted as Literal[1]
Tomasz Trębski
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39309] Please delete my account
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39310] Add math.ulp(x)
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39311] difflib pathlike support for {unified, context}_diff() {from, to}file
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39312] Expose placeholder reparse points in Windows
Eryk Sun
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39313] lib2to3 RefactoringTool python_grammar_no_print_and_exec_statement
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39314] Autofill the closing paraenthesis during auto-completion for functions which accept no arguments
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39315] Lists of objects containing lists
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39316] settrace skips lines when chaining methods without arguments
Alex Hall
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39317] This new feature or bug about operator "- -"?
dai dai
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39318] NamedTemporaryFile could cause double-close on an fd if _TemporaryFileWrapper throws
Robert Xiao
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39319] ntpath module must not be available on POSIX platforms
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39320] Handle unpacking of */** arguments and rvalues in the compiler
Mark Shannon
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39321] AMD64 FreeBSD Non-Debug 3.x: main regrtest process killed by Signal 9
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39322] Add gc.is_finalized to check if an object has been finalised by the gc
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39323] Add test for imghdr cli
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39324] Add mimetype for extension .md (markdown)
Ryan Batchelder
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39325] Original window focus when opening IDLE by double clicking Python file Mac
Irv Kalb
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39326] Python-3.8.1 "test_importlib" failed
Divyansh tiwari
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39327] shutil.rmtree using vagrant synched folder fails
Peter Liedholm
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39328] Allow filename mismatch in local and central directories in zipfile.py
Cheryl Sabella
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39329] smtplib.LMTP needs timeout parameter
Dong-hee Na
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39330] Way to build without IDLE
Reece Dunham
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39331] 2to3 mishandles indented imports
Guy Galun
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39332] Python 3.6 compiler protections from Ubuntu distros
Jason Culligan
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39333] argparse should offer an alternative to SystemExit in case a parse fails
Jack Orenstein
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39334] python specific index directives in our doc has been deprecated 10 years ago
Julien Palard
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39335] round Decimal edge case
Hrvoje Abraham
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39336] Immutable module type can't be used as package in custom loader
Dino Viehland
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39337] codecs.lookup() ignores non-ASCII characters, whereas encodings.normalize_encoding() copies them
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39338] Data lost randomly from dictionary after creating the dictionary
Y3Kv Bv
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39339] Exception in thread QueueManagerThread
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39340] shutil.rmtree and write protected files
Peter Liedholm
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39341] zipfile: ZIP Bomb vulnerability, don't check announced uncompressed size
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39342] Expose X509_V_FLAG_ALLOW_PROXY_CERTS in ssl
Chris Burr
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39343] Travis CI: documentation job fails in library/nntplib.rst with random network issue on news.gmane.io
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39344] Getting error while importing ssl " import _ssl # if we can't import it, let the error propagate ImportError: DLL load failed while importing _ssl: The specified module could not be found."
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39345] Py_Initialize Hangs on Windows 10
Darren Hamilton
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39346] gzip module only supports half of possible read/write scenarios
Drew DeVault
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39347] Use of argument clinic like parsing and `METH_FASTCALL` support in extension modules
Sebastian Berg
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39348] wrong rst syntax in socket.rst
Oz Tiram
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39349] Add "cancel" parameter to concurrent.futures.Executor.shutdown()
Kyle Stanley
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39350] Remove deprecated fractions.gcd()
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39351] Remove base64.encodestring() and base64.decodestring() aliases, deprecated since Python 3.1
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39352] Remove the formatter module, deprecated since Python 3.4
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39353] Deprecate the binhex module
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39354] collections.UserString format and format_map return a string
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39355] The Python library will not compile with a C++2020 compiler because the code uses the reserved “module” keyword
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39356] zipfile suprising "except DeprecationWarning:" block
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39357] bz2: Remove deprecated buffering parameter of bz2.BZ2File
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39358] test_code.CoExtra leads to double-free when ce_size >1
Sergei Lebedev
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39359] zipfile: add missing "pwd: expected bytes, got str" exception message
Daniel Hillier
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39360] python3.8 regression - ThreadPool join via __del__ hangs forever
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39361] [C API] Document PyTypeObject.tp_print removal in What's New In Python 3.9
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39362] add option to make chunksize adaptive for multiprocessing.pool methods
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39363] zipfile with multiprocessing: zipfile.BadZipFile
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39364] Automatically tabulate module contents in the docs
alex c
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39365] Support (SEEK_END/SEEK_CUR) relative seeking in StringIO
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39366] Remove deprecated nntplib method
Dong-hee Na
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39367] readline module core dumps Python 3.8.1 when calling exit()
Horace Stoica
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39368] A matrix (list of lists) behaves differently, depending how it is created
Jaap Woldringh
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39369] Doc: Update mmap readline method documentation
Wellington PF
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39370] askopenfilename is missing from the Tkinter filedialog library in 2.7.17
Dreas Nielsen
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39371] http.client.HTTPResponse raises IncompleteRead on chunked encoding
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39372] The header files in Include/ have many declarations with no definition
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39373] new world
John Haley
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39374] Key in sort -> Callable Object instead of function
Carlos Segura González
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39375] Document os.environ[x] = y and os.putenv() as thread unsafe
Gregory P. Smith
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39376] Avoid modifying the process global environment (not thread safe)
Gregory P. Smith
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39377] json.loads encoding parameter deprecation removal in Python 3.9
Karthikeyan Singaravelan
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39378] partial of PickleState struct should be traversed.
hai shi
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39379] sys.path[0] is already absolute path
Ken Sato
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39380] ftplib uses latin-1 as default encoding
Sebastian G Pedersen
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39381] Fix get_event_loop documentation
Andrew Svetlov
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39382] abstract_issubclass() doesn't take bases tuple item ref
Yonatan Goldschmidt
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39383] Mention Darwin as a potential value for platform.system()
Peter Bittner
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39384] Email parser creates a message object that can't be flattened as bytes.
Mark Sapiro
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39385] Add an assertNoLogs context manager to unittest TestCase
Kit Yan Choi
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39386] getting invalid data from async iterator
John-Mark Gurney
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39387] configparser read_file() with variable
Mattia Verga
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39388] IDLE: Changes to keybindings aren't reverted on cancel
Cheryl Sabella
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39389] gzip metadata fails to reflect compresslevel
William Chargin
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39390] shutil.copytree - ignore callback behaviour change
Manuel Barkhau
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39391] Nondeterministic Pydoc output on functions that have functions as default parameters
Peter Occil
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39392] Python Turtle is not filling alternate overlapping areas of a shape with same color
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39393] Misleading error message upon dependent DLL resolution failure
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39394] DeprecationWarning for `flag not at the start of expression` is cutoff too early
Jürgen Gmach
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39395] The os module should unset() environment variable at exit
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39396] AIX: math.nextafter(a, b) breaks AIX bot
Michael Felt
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39397] Mac : fail to launch Python 3.8
Sebastien Foo
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39398] AMD64 Fedora Rawhide Clang 3.x: C compiler cannot create executables
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39399] Cross compilation using different libc is broken
Andrew Aladjev
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39400] pydoc: Use of MANPAGER variable is incorrect
Ronan Pigott
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39401] Unsafe dll loading in getpathp.c on Win7
Anthony Wee
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39402] Consistent use of terms
Raymond Leiter
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39403] Objects equal (assertEqual return True) but behave differently
wh1te r4bb1t
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39404] Pexpect : setwinsize() not working in SLES 12.4 kernel 4.12.14-94.41-default
Archana Pandey
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39405] Using relative path as a --prefix during configure.
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39406] Implement os.putenv() with setenv() if available
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39407] Bitfield Union does not work for bit widths greater than 8 bits
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39408] Add support for SQLCipher
Sebastian Noack
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39409] AIX: FAIL: test_specific_values (test.test_cmath.CMathTests)
Michael Felt
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39410] CentOS 6.10 SQLite 3.30.1 - _sqlite3 builds successfully but is removed because it cannot be imported.
Igor Ceh
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39411] pyclbr rewrite on AST
Batuhan Taskaya
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39412] Install launcher for all users
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39413] Implement os.unsetenv() on Windows
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39414] Multiprocessing resolving object as None
Reece Dunham
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39415] Remove unused code from longobject.c complexobject.c floatobject.c
Dong-hee Na
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39416] Document default numeric string formats
Karl O. Pinc
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39417] Link to "Python Packaging User Guide: Creating and using virtual environments" is broken
Angel Cervera Claudio
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39418] str.strip() should have a means of adding to the default behaviour
Natalie Amery
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39419] Core dump when trying to use workaround for custom warning category (Fatal Python error: init_sys_streams: can't initialize sys standard streams)
Gerrit Holl
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39420] Windows: convertenviron() doesn't parse environment variables properly
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39421] Use-after-free in heappushpop() of heapq module
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39422] datetime.datetime.strptime incorrectly interpretting format '%Y%m%d'
Cleland Loszewski
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39423] Process finished with exit code -1073741819 (0xC0000005) when trying to access data from a pickled file
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39424] test_signal: test_pidfd_send_signal() uses deprecated assertRaisesRegexp() method
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39425] list.count performance regression
Dong-hee Na
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39426] Pickler docstring misstates default and highest protocols
Mark Dickinson
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39427] python -X options are not documented in the CLI --help
Pablo Galindo Salgado
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39428] allow creation of "symtable entry" objects from Python
Carl Meyer
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39429] Add a new "Python Development Mode" page to the documentation
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39430] tarfile.open(mode="r") race condition when importing lzma
Maciej Gol
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39431] Mention nonlocal too in assignment quirk
Shanavas M
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39432] Distutils generates the wrong export symbol for unicode module names
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39433] curses.setupterm can raise _curses.error
Julien Palard
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39434] Add float __floordiv__ fast path
Dong-hee Na
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39435] pickle: inconsistent arguments pickle.py vs _pickle.c vs docs
Guido Imperiale
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39436] Strange behavior of comparing int and float numbers
Petr Pisl
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39437] collections.Counter support multiplication
Dominick Johnson
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39438] better handling of foreign signal handlers in signal.signal
Steven G. Johnson
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39439] Windows Multiprocessing in Virtualenv: sys.prefix is incorrect
Adam Meily
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39440] Use PyNumber_InPlaceAdd in sum() for the second iteration onward
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39441] mimetypes.guess_extension unable to get non-lowercase mimetype
Guénaël Muller
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39442] from __future__ import annotations breaks dataclasses.Field.type
Wojciech Łopata
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39443] Inhomogeneous behaviour for descriptors in between the class-instance and metaclass-class pairs
Hugo Ricateau
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39444] Incorrect description of sorting for PrettyPrinter
Steven DeRose
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39445] h5py not playing nicely with subprocess and mpirun
Rafael Laboissière
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39446] Documentation should reflect that all dicts are now ordered
Michael Shields
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39447] imaplib documentation claims that commands return a string, but they return bytes
Daniel Kahn Gillmor
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39448] Add regen-frozen makefile target
Neil Schemenauer
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39449] New Assignment operator
Arthur Fibich
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39450] unittest TestCase shortDescription does not strip whitespace
Steve C
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39451] enum.Enum reference count leaks
Dan Gass
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39452] Improve the __main__ module documentation
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39453] Use-after-free in list contain
Dong-hee Na
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39454] when \\u in byte_string , byte_string.decode('raw_unicode_escape') maybe has problem
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39455] Update the documentation for linecache module
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39456] Make IDLE calltip tests work when there are no docstrings
Terry J. Reedy
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39457] Add an autocommit property to sqlite3.Connection with truly PEP 249 compliant manual commit mode and migrate
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39458] Multiprocessing.Pool maxtasksperchild=1 doesn't work
Gabriel Tardif
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39459] test_import: test_unwritable_module() fails on AMD64 Fedora Stable Clang Installed 3.x
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39460] test_zipfile: test_add_file_after_2107() fails on s390x Fedora Rawhide 3.x
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39461] os.environ does not support Path-like values, but subprocess(..., env=...) does
Antony Lee
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39462] DataClass typo-unsafe attribute creation & unexpected behaviour (dataclasses)
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39463] ast.Constant, bytes, and ast.unparse
Tal Ben-Nun
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39464] Allow translating argument error messages
José Manuel Ferrer
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39465] Design a subinterpreter friendly alternative to _Py_IDENTIFIER
Nick Coghlan
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39466] Great
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39467] Allow to deprecate CLI arguments in argparse
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39468] .python_history write permission improvements
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39469] Support for relative home path in pyvenv.cfg
Jeff Edwards
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39470] Indicate that os.makedirs is equivalent to Path.mkdir
Joannah Nanjekye
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39471] Meaning and clarification of PyBuffer_Release()
Sebastian Berg
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39472] IDLE: improve handling of int entry in settings dialog
Terry J. Reedy
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39473] Enable import behavior consistency option
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39474] col_offset for parenthesized expressions looks weird on attribute access
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39475] window.getmaxyx() doesn't return updated height when window is resized
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39476] Not convinced with the dynamic data type assignment
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39477] multiprocessing Pool maxtasksperchild=0 raises exception with endless traceback
Tomáš Jeziorský
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39478] can we add a median function
Ananthakrishnan A S
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39479] can we add a lcm and gcd function.
Ananthakrishnan A S
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39480] referendum reference is needlessly annoying
Ian Jackson
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39481] Implement PEP 585 (Type Hinting Generics In Standard Collections)
Guido van Rossum
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39482] Write 2to3 fixer for MutableMapping
Orion Poplawski
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39483] Proposial add loop parametr to run in asyncio
Андрей Казанцев
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39484] time_ns() and time() cannot be compared on windows
Vincent Michel
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39485] Bug in mock running on PyPy3
Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39486] bug in %-formatting in Python, related to escaped %-characters
Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39487] Merge duplicated _Py_IDENTIFIER identifiers in C code
hai shi
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39488] test_largefile: TestSocketSendfile.test_it() uses too much disk space
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39489] Remove COUNT_ALLOCS special build
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39490] Python Uninstaller fails to clean up the old path variables when uninstalling
CJ Long
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39491] Import PEP 593 (Flexible function and variable annotations) support already implemented in typing_extensions
Jakub Stasiak
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39492] reference cycle affecting Pickler instances (Python3.8+)
Pierre Glaser
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39493] typing.py has an incorrect definition of closed
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39494] Extra null terminators in keyword arrays in sqlite module
Alex Henrie
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39495] xml.etree.ElementTree.TreeBuilder.start differs between pure Python and C implementations
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39496] Inelegant loops in Modules/_sqlite/cursor.c
Alex Henrie
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39497] Unused variable script_str in pysqlite_cursor_executescript
Alex Henrie
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39498] Signpost security considerations in library
anthony shaw
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39499] ValueError using index on tuple is not showing the tuple value
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39500] Document PyUnicode_IsIdentifier() function
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39501] gettext's default localedir does not match documentation
Thomas Perret
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39502] test_zipfile fails on AIX due to time.localtime
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39503] [security] Denial of service in urllib.request.AbstractBasicAuthHandler
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39504] inspect.signature throws RuntimeError on select.epoll.register
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39505] redundant ‘/’ in $env:VIRTUAL_ENV when use venv in powershell
Fuzheng Duan
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39506] operator |= on sets does not behave like the update method
Gabriele Tornetta
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39507] http library missing HTTP status code 418 "I'm a teapot"
Ross Rhodes
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39508] no module curses error although i downloaded the module - windows 10
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39509] Update HTTP status code to follow IANA
Dong-hee Na
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39510] use-after-free in BufferedReader.readinto()
Philipp Gesang
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39511] [subinterpreters] Per-interpreter singletons (None, True, False, etc.)
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39512] expat parser not xml 1.1 (breaks xmlrpclib) - still
Malte Forkel
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39513] NameError: name 'open' is not defined
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39514] http://sphinx.pocoo.org/
- [New-bugs-announce] [issue39515] pathlib won't strip "\n" in path
Last message date:
Fri Jan 31 22:45:08 EST 2020
Archived on: Fri Jan 31 22:45:16 EST 2020
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).