[New-bugs-announce] [issue40859] Update Windows build to use xz-5.2.5

Ma Lin report at bugs.python.org
Wed Jun 3 22:41:03 EDT 2020

New submission from Ma Lin <malincns at 163.com>:

The Windows build is using xz-5.2.2, it was released on 2015-09-29.
xz-5.2.5 was released recently, maybe we can update this library.

When preparing cpython-source-deps, don't forget to copy `xz-5.2.5\windows\vs2019\config.h` to `xz-5.2.5\windows\` folder.

`\vs2019\config.h` and `\vs2017\config.h` are the same, except for the comment on the first line.

I tested xz-5.2.5 on my local machine, it passed test_lzma.py.

XZ Utils Release Notes:

components: Windows
messages: 370693
nosy: Ma Lin, paul.moore, steve.dower, tim.golden, zach.ware
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Update Windows build to use xz-5.2.5
versions: Python 3.10, Python 3.9

Python tracker <report at bugs.python.org>

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