[Numpy-discussion] Documentation?

Morten Kjeldgaard mok at imsb.au.dk
Fri May 5 12:22:34 EDT 2000


What's up with the NumPy documentation? It seems not to be in the CVS
tree. The old documentation is still pretty incomplete IMHO. For example,
one of the most important routines "matrixmultiply" is not documented. And
the description of "indices" makes your head explode... :-)

Also lacking is a description (examples) of how to add Ufuncs in an
extension module.

Are there any plans of distributing the manual in an editable format (TeX,
DocBook...) instead of PDF?? That would make it easier for people to


Morten Kjeldgaard   <mok at imsb.au.dk>             | Phone : +45 89 42 50 26
Institute of Molecular and Structural Biology    | Fax   : +45 86 12 31 78
Aarhus University                                | Home  : +45 86 18 81 80
Gustav Wieds Vej 10 C, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark | icq   : 27224900

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