[Numpy-discussion] zero dimensions in numarray.strings?

Francesc Alted falted at openlc.org
Wed Dec 3 02:09:04 EST 2003

A Dimarts 02 Desembre 2003 12:52, Todd Miller va escriure:
> I fixed the immediate problem with zero element string arrays this
> morning.  I imagine there are probably other problems with that case...
> Please let me know if and when you find them.

Thanks. Well, I've found another small issue. The next works:

>>> array([]).info()
class: <class 'numarray.numarraycore.NumArray'>
shape: (0,)
strides: (4,)
byteoffset: 0
bytestride: 4
itemsize: 4
aligned: 1
contiguous: 1
data: <memory at 40552060 with size:0 held by object 40552040 aliasing object 
byteorder: little
byteswap: 0
type: Int32

But this don't:

>>> strings.array([])
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.3/site-packages/numarray/strings.py", line 964, 
in array
    return fromlist(buffer, itemsize=itemsize, shape=shape, kind=kind)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.3/site-packages/numarray/strings.py", line 828, 
in fromlist
    shape, itemsize = _slistShape(slist, itemsize=itemsize, shape=shape)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.3/site-packages/numarray/strings.py", line 763, 
in _slistShape
    shape_items = _slistShape0(slist)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.3/site-packages/numarray/strings.py", line 746, 
in _slistShape0
    maxs = _slistShape0(slist[0])
IndexError: list index out of range

Perhaps (?) you want to make it equivalent to:

>>> strings.array(None, shape=(0,), itemsize=0).info()
class: <class 'numarray.strings.CharArray'>
shape: (0,)
strides: (0,)
byteoffset: 0
bytestride: 0
itemsize: 0
aligned: 1
contiguous: 1
data: <memory at 405521e0 with size:0 held by object 405521c0 aliasing object 
type: CharArrayType(0)

I've used the numarray present in CVS to run these test.


Francesc Alted

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