[Numpy-discussion] Status of Numeric

Francesc Alted falted at openlc.org
Tue Jan 20 12:30:02 EST 2004

A Dimarts 20 Gener 2004 20:11, Chris Barker va escriure:
> > As this has become an important path to
> > success of several projects (both commercial and open) it is absolutely
> > necessary that this issues be addressed.
>  From the sammll list above, it looks like what you need is an array
> that is like a Numarray, but faster for samll arrays...Has anyone done
> an analysis of whether it would be harder to optimize Numarray than to
> make the above changes to Numeric, and continue to maintain two
> packages? You probably have, but I though I'd ask anyway...

I agree. An analysis should be done in order to see if it is better to
concentrate in getting numarray better for small arrays or in having several
array implementations. The problem is if numarray cannot be enhanced enough
because of design problems, although I would bet that something can be done
in order to get it close to Numeric performance. And I guess quite a bit
people on this list would be happy to collaborate in some way or another so
as to achieve this goal.

However, as Perry says, in order to do this analysis, an amount of the
needed speed-up should be estimated first.

I personaly feel that it would worth the effort to go and try to optimize
the small arrays case in numarray instead of having to fight against a
jungle of Numeric/numarray/python array implementations. I strongly believe
that numarray has enough advantages over Numeric that would compensate the
effort to further enhance its present limitations rather than maintain
several packages.

Just my 2 cents,

Francesc Alted

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