[Numpy-discussion] Request for comments on a new setup.py for Numeric

David M. Cooke cookedm at physics.mcmaster.ca
Wed Apr 6 17:18:51 EDT 2005

cookedm at physics.mcmaster.ca (David M. Cooke) writes:

> I've always found the Numeric setup.py to be not very user-friendly.
> So, I rewrote it. It's available as patch #1178095
> http://sf.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1178095&group_id=1369&atid=301369
> Basically, all the editing you need to do is in customize.py, instead
> of touching setup.py. No more commenting out files for lapack_lite
> (just tell it to use the system LAPACK, and tell it where to find it).
> Also, you could now use GSL's cblas interface for dotblas. Useful if
> you've already taken the trouble to link that with an optimized
> Fortran BLAS.
> I didn't want to just through this into CVS without feedback first :-)
> If it looks good, this can go in Numeric 24.0.

I've checked it in.


* You only need to edit customize.py

* You don't need to edit if you're on OS X (>= 10.2): the vecLib
  framework for optimized BLAS and LAPACK will be used if found.

* If you have an incomplete ATLAS library (one without LAPACK), you
  can use it for BLAS (instead of blas_lite.c), and the included f2c'd
  routines for LAPACK will be used.

* Use whatever CBLAS interface you've got (ATLAS, GSL, the reference
  one available from netlib).

There's also an INSTALL file now, although it could some comments
about the 'python setup.py config' option.

|David M. Cooke                      http://arbutus.physics.mcmaster.ca/dmc/
|cookedm at physics.mcmaster.ca

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