[Numpy-discussion] Speeding up numarray -- questions on its design

Perry Greenfield perry at stsci.edu
Thu Jan 20 06:37:36 EST 2005

On a different note, we will update the numarray home page to better 
reflect the current situation regard to Numeric, particularly to 
clarify that there is no official consensus regarding it as a 
replacement for Numeric (but also to spell out what the differences are 
so that people wondering about which to use will have a better idea to 
base their choice on, and to give an idea of what our development plans 
and priorities are).

We're fairly busy at the moment so it may take a few days for such 
updates to the web page to happen. I'll post a message when that 
happens so that those interested can look at them and provide comments 
if they feel they are not accurate.

I'll also contact Paul Dubois about updating the numpy page.


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