[Numpy-discussion] Re: Packaging Scipy (was Future directions for SciPy in light of meeting at Berkeley )

Brendan Simons brendansimons at yahoo.ca
Wed Mar 9 18:46:13 EST 2005

Hear hear.

Everytime I see a pathname I groan out loud.  Does that mean I'm too 
wussy to be a programmer?   Maybe ;)  but there are plenty of potential 
users (call us the matlab crowd) who feel the same way.    I'd much 
rather just grab a binary installer from a website than manage some 
giant registry.  The appearance of python .mpkg bundles on the mac has 
been a blessing.


On 9-Mar-05, at 8:09 PM, numpy-discussion-request at lists.sourceforge.net 

>  Whenever this comes up, it seems like people focus on
> nifty technological solutions for a package repository, which makes
> sense as we're all a bunch of programmers, but I'm not sure it gets the
> job done. a simple web site you can download all the installers you 
> need
> is fine.
> -Chris
> -- 
> Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
> Oceanographer

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