[SciPy-dev] Re: [Numpy-discussion] Trying out Numeric3

Travis Oliphant oliphant at ee.byu.edu
Mon Mar 28 01:39:02 EST 2005

> Plus I would add the scipy_distutils ability to build sources on-fly 
> feature (build_src command). That's a very fundamental feature useful
> whenever swig or f2py is used, or when building sources from templates 
> or dynamically during a build process.

I'd like to use this feature in Numeric3 (which has code-generation). 

> Btw, I have started scipy_core clean up. The plan is to create the 
> following package tree under Numeric3 source tree:

This is great news.    I'm thrilled to have Pearu's help in doing this.  
He understands a lot of these issues very well.    I'm sure he will be 
open to suggestions. 

>   scipy.distutils - contains cpuinfo, exec_command, system_info, etc
>   scipy.distutils.fcompiler - contains Fortran compiler support
>   scipy.distutils.command - contains build_src and config_compiler
>     commands plus few enhancements to build_ext, build_clib, etc
>     commands

>   scipy.base - useful modules from scipy_base
>   scipy.testing - enhancements to unittest module, actually
>     current scipy_test contains one useful module (testing.py) that
>     could also go under scipy.base and so getting rid of scipy.testing
>   scipy.weave -
>   scipy.f2py  - not sure yet how to incorporate f2py2e or weave sources
>     here. As a first instance people are assumed to download them to
>     Numeric3/scipy/ directory but in future their sources could be added
>     to Numeric3 repository. For Numeric3 f2py and weave are optional.
>   scipy.lib.lapack - wrappers to Atlas/Lapack libraries, by default
>     f2c generated wrappers are used as in current Numeric.
> For backwards compatibility, there will be
>   Packages/{FFT,MA,RNG,dotblas+packages from numarray}/
> and
>   Lib/{LinearAlgebra,..}.py
> under Numeric3 that will use modules from scipy.

This looks like a good break down.  Where will the ndarray object and 
the ufunc code go in this breakdown?  In scipy.base?


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