[Numpy-discussion] Py2exe / numpy troubles

tristan CORCELLE tcorcelle at yahoo.fr
Tue Aug 29 06:01:32 EDT 2006

I am having troubles with py2exe and numpy/matplotlib...

Configuration : 
    Windows XP pro
    Scipy 0.4.9
    Numpy 0.9.8
    MatplotLib 0.87.1
    Py2exe 0.6.5
    WxPython 2.6
I am using the following setup.py file:
from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe
from distutils.filelist import findall
import os
import matplotlib
matplotlibdatadir = matplotlib.get_data_path()
matplotlibdata = findall(matplotlibdatadir)
matplotlibdata_files = []
for f in matplotlibdata:
    dirname = os.path.join('matplotlibdata', f[len(matplotlibdatadir)+1:])
    matplotlibdata_files.append((os.path.split(dirname)[0], [f]))

packages = ['matplotlib', 'pytz']
includes = []
excludes = []
dll_excludes = ['libgdk_pixbuf-2.0-0.dll',

opts = { 'py2exe': { 'packages' : packages,
                     'includes' : includes,
                     'excludes' : excludes,
                     'dll_excludes' : dll_excludes
setup ( console=['test.py'],
        options = opts,
        data_files = matplotlibdata_files
#----------------------------- EOF ---------------------------
I compile the application by running ">setup.py py2exe" 
At the end of compilation phase, it is written :
The following modules appear to be missing
['AppKit', 'FFT', 'Foundation', 'Image', 'LinearAlgebra', 'MA', 'MLab', 'Matrix', 'Numeric', 'PyObjCTools', 'P
yQt4', 'Pyrex', 'Pyrex.Compiler', 'RandomArray', '_curses', '_ssl', 'backends.draw_if_interactive', 'backends.
new_figure_manager', 'backends.pylab_setup', 'backends.show', 'cairo', 'cairo.gtk', 'fcompiler.FCompiler', 'fc
ompiler.show_fcompilers', 'fltk', 'gd', 'gobject', 'gtk', 'lib.add_newdoc', 'matplotlib.enthought.pyface.actio
n', 'mlab.amax', 'mlab.amin', 'numarray', 'numarray.convolve', 'numarray.fft', 'numarray.ieeespecial', 'numarr
ay.linear_algebra', 'numarray.linear_algebra.mlab', 'numarray.ma', 'numarray.numeric', 'numarray.random_array'
, 'numerix.ArrayType', 'numerix.Complex', 'numerix.Complex32', 'numerix.Complex64', 'numerix.Float', 'numerix.
Float32', 'numerix.Float64', 'numerix.Int', 'numerix.Int16', 'numerix.Int32', 'numerix.Int8', 'numerix.NewAxis
', 'numerix.UInt16', 'numerix.UInt32', 'numerix.UInt8', 'numerix.absolute', 'numerix.add', 'numerix.all', 'num
erix.allclose', 'numerix.alltrue', 'numerix.arange', 'numerix.arccos', 'numerix.arccosh', 'numerix.arcsin', 'n
umerix.arcsinh', 'numerix.arctan', 'numerix.arctan2', 'numerix.arctanh', 'numerix.argmax', 'numerix.argmin', '
numerix.argsort', 'numerix.around', 'numerix.array', 'numerix.arrayrange', 'numerix.asarray', 'numerix.asum',
'numerix.bitwise_and', 'numerix.bitwise_or', 'numerix.bitwise_xor', 'numerix.ceil', 'numerix.choose', 'numerix
.clip', 'numerix.compress', 'numerix.concatenate', 'numerix.conjugate', 'numerix.convolve', 'numerix.cos', 'nu
merix.cosh', 'numerix.cross_correlate', 'numerix.cumproduct', 'numerix.cumsum', 'numerix.diagonal', 'numerix.d
ivide', 'numerix.dot', 'numerix.equal', 'numerix.exp', 'numerix.fabs', 'numerix.fft.fft', 'numerix.fft.inverse
_fft', 'numerix.floor', 'numerix.fmod', 'numerix.fromfunction', 'numerix.fromstring', 'numerix.greater', 'nume
rix.greater_equal', 'numerix.hypot', 'numerix.identity', 'numerix.indices', 'numerix.innerproduct', 'numerix.i
scontiguous', 'numerix.less', 'numerix.less_equal', 'numerix.log', 'numerix.log10', 'numerix.logical_and', 'nu
merix.logical_not', 'numerix.logical_or', 'numerix.logical_xor', 'numerix.matrixmultiply', 'numerix.maximum',
'numerix.minimum', 'numerix.mlab.amax', 'numerix.mlab.amin', 'numerix.mlab.cov', 'numerix.mlab.diff', 'numerix
.mlab.hanning', 'numerix.mlab.rand', 'numerix.mlab.std', 'numerix.mlab.svd', 'numerix.multiply', 'numerix.nega
tive', 'numerix.newaxis', 'numerix.nonzero', 'numerix.not_equal', 'numerix.nx', 'numerix.ones', 'numerix.outer
product', 'numerix.pi', 'numerix.power', 'numerix.product', 'numerix.put', 'numerix.putmask', 'numerix.rank',
'numerix.ravel', 'numerix.repeat', 'numerix.reshape', 'numerix.resize', 'numerix.searchsorted', 'numerix.shape
', 'numerix.sin', 'numerix.sinh', 'numerix.size', 'numerix.sometrue', 'numerix.sort', 'numerix.sqrt', 'numerix
.subtract', 'numerix.swapaxes', 'numerix.take', 'numerix.tan', 'numerix.tanh', 'numerix.trace', 'numerix.trans
pose', 'numerix.typecode', 'numerix.typecodes', 'numerix.where', 'numerix.which', 'numerix.zeros', 'numpy.Comp
lex', 'numpy.Complex32', 'numpy.Complex64', 'numpy.Float', 'numpy.Float32', 'numpy.Float64', 'numpy.Infinity',
 'numpy.Int', 'numpy.Int16', 'numpy.Int32', 'numpy.Int8', 'numpy.UInt16', 'numpy.UInt32', 'numpy.UInt8', 'nump
y.inf', 'numpy.infty', 'numpy.oldnumeric', 'objc', 'paint', 'pango', 'pre', 'pyemf', 'qt', 'setuptools', 'setu
ptools.command', 'setuptools.command.egg_info', 'trait_sheet', 'matplotlib.numerix.Float', 'matplotlib.numerix
.Float32', 'matplotlib.numerix.absolute', 'matplotlib.numerix.alltrue', 'matplotlib.numerix.asarray', 'matplot
lib.numerix.ceil', 'matplotlib.numerix.equal', 'matplotlib.numerix.fromstring', 'matplotlib.numerix.indices',
'matplotlib.numerix.put', 'matplotlib.numerix.ravel', 'matplotlib.numerix.sqrt', 'matplotlib.numerix.take', 'm
atplotlib.numerix.transpose', 'matplotlib.numerix.where', 'numpy.core.conjugate', 'numpy.core.equal', 'numpy.c
ore.less', 'numpy.core.less_equal', 'numpy.dft.old', 'numpy.random.rand', 'numpy.random.randn']
1) First Problem: numpy\core\_internal.pyc not included in Library.zip
No scipy-style subpackage 'core' found in C:\WinCE\Traces\py2exe test\dist\library.zip\numpy. Ignoring: No module named _internal
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "profiler_ftt.py", line 15, in ?
    from matplotlib.backends.backend_wx import Toolbar, FigureCanvasWx,\
  File "matplotlib\backends\backend_wx.pyc", line 152, in ?
  File "matplotlib\backend_bases.pyc", line 10, in ?
  File "matplotlib\colors.pyc", line 33, in ?
  File "matplotlib\numerix\__init__.pyc", line 67, in ?
  File "numpy\__init__.pyc", line 35, in ?
  File "numpy\_import_tools.pyc", line 173, in __call__
  File "numpy\_import_tools.pyc", line 68, in _init_info_modules
  File "<string>", line 1, in ?
  File "numpy\lib\__init__.pyc", line 5, in ?
  File "numpy\lib\type_check.pyc", line 8, in ?
  File "numpy\core\__init__.pyc", line 6, in ?
  File "numpy\core\umath.pyc", line 12, in ?
  File "numpy\core\umath.pyc", line 10, in __load
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute '_ARRAY_API'
I resolved that issue by adding the file ...\Python24\Lib\site-packages\numpy\core\_internal.pyc in ...\test\dist\library.zip\numpy\core.
Each time I compile that executable, I add the file by hand.
Does anybody know how to automatically add that file?
2) Second problem: I don't know how to resolve that issue:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "profiler_ftt.py", line 15, in ?
    from matplotlib.backends.backend_wx import Toolbar, FigureCanvasWx,\
  File "matplotlib\backends\backend_wx.pyc", line 152, in ?
  File "matplotlib\backend_bases.pyc", line 10, in ?
  File "matplotlib\colors.pyc", line 33, in ?
  File "matplotlib\numerix\__init__.pyc", line 67, in ?
  File "numpy\__init__.pyc", line 35, in ?
  File "numpy\_import_tools.pyc", line 173, in __call__
  File "numpy\_import_tools.pyc", line 68, in _init_info_modules
  File "<string>", line 1, in ?
  File "numpy\random\__init__.pyc", line 3, in ?
  File "numpy\random\mtrand.pyc", line 12, in ?
  File "numpy\random\mtrand.pyc", line 10, in __load
  File "numpy.pxi", line 32, in mtrand
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'dtype'
I don't find the file numpy.pxi in my file tree nor in \test\dist\library.zip.
I browsed the web in the hope to find a solution but nothing.
It seems that this issue is well known but no solution provided in mailing lists.
What is that file  "numpix.pxi"? Where to find it or how is it generated?
How to resolve that execution issue?
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