[Numpy-discussion] A question

Colin J. Williams cjw at sympatico.ca
Thu Feb 23 11:20:04 EST 2006

 Bar is a sub-class of ArrayType (ndarray) and bar is an instance of Bar
[Dbg]>>> self.bar
Bar([ 5,  1,  1, 11,  3,  7, 14,  0,  5,  2,  4, 12,  9, 10,  4, 12], 
[Dbg]>>> z= self.bar
[Dbg]>>> z
<< Is this expected?
[Dbg]>>> type(self.bar)
<class '__main__.Bar'>
[Dbg]>>> self.bar.__class__.base
<attribute 'base' of 'numpy.bigndarray' objects>

Colin W.

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