[Numpy-discussion] Setuptools leftover junk

Fernando Perez fperez.net at gmail.com
Wed Jun 28 15:11:36 EDT 2006

On 6/28/06, Robert Kern <robert.kern at gmail.com> wrote:

> numpy.distutils uses setuptools if it is importable in order to make sure that
> the two don't stomp on each other. It's probable that that test could probably
> be done with Andrew Straw's method:
>    if 'setuptools' in sys.modules:
>      have_setuptools = True
>      from setuptools import setup as old_setup
>    else:
>      have_setuptools = False
>      from distutils.core import setup as old_setup
> Tested patches welcome.

Well, tested as in 'I wrote a unittest for installation', no.  But
tested as in 'I built numpy, scipy, matplotlib, and my f2py-using
code', yes.  They all build/install fine, and no more *egg-info
directories are strewn around.

If this satisfies your 'tested patches', the code is:

Index: numpy/distutils/core.py
--- numpy/distutils/core.py     (revision 2698)
+++ numpy/distutils/core.py     (working copy)
@@ -1,16 +1,30 @@
 import sys
 from distutils.core import *
-    from setuptools import setup as old_setup
-    # very old setuptools don't have this
-    from setuptools.command import bdist_egg
-    # easy_install imports math, it may be picked up from cwd
-    from setuptools.command import develop, easy_install
-    have_setuptools = 1
-except ImportError:
+# Don't pull setuptools in unless the user explicitly requests by having it
+# imported (Andrew's trick).
+have_setuptools = 'setuptools' in sys.modules
+# Even if setuptools is in, do a few things carefully to make sure the version
+# is recent enough to have everything we need before assuming we can proceed
+# using setuptools throughout
+if have_setuptools:
+    try:
+        from setuptools import setup as old_setup
+        # very old setuptools don't have this
+        from setuptools.command import bdist_egg
+        # easy_install imports math, it may be picked up from cwd
+        from setuptools.command import develop, easy_install
+    except ImportError:
+        # Any failure here is probably due to an old or broken setuptools
+        # leftover in sys.modules, so treat it as if it simply weren't
+        # available.
+        have_setuptools = False
+# If setuptools was flagged as unavailable due to import problems, we need the
+# basic distutils support
+if not have_setuptools:
     from distutils.core import setup as old_setup
-    have_setuptools = 0

 from numpy.distutils.extension import Extension
 from numpy.distutils.command import config

May I?

keeping-the-world-setuptools-free-one-script-at-a-time-ly yours,


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