[Numpy-discussion] scalarmath fails to build

Arnd Baecker arnd.baecker at web.de
Tue May 2 23:51:04 EDT 2006

On Tue, 2 May 2006, Ted Horst wrote:

> Here is a patch:
> --- numpy/core/src/scalarmathmodule.c.src       (revision 2471)
> +++ numpy/core/src/scalarmathmodule.c.src       (working copy)
> @@ -597,7 +597,12 @@
> {
>       PyObject *ret;
>       @name@ arg1, arg2, out;
> +#if @cmplx@
> +    @otyp@ out1;
> +       out1.real = out.imag = 0;
> +#else
>       @otyp@ out1=0;
> +#endif
>       int retstatus;
>       switch(_ at name@_convert2_to_ctypes(a, &arg1, b, &arg2)) {

Thanks - applied:
(Travis, I hope I got that right ;-)

After this numpy compiles for me, but on testing (64 Bit opteron) I get:

In [1]: import numpy
from lib import * -> failed: 'module' object has no attribute 'nmath'
import linalg -> failed: 'module' object has no attribute 'nmath'

In numpy/lib/__init__.py the construct
  __all__ = ['nmath','math']
is used, but `nmath` is not mentioned explicitely before.

In [2]: numpy.__version__
Out[2]: ''

In [3]: numpy.test(10)
  Found 5 tests for numpy.distutils.misc_util
  Found 4 tests for numpy.lib.getlimits
  Found 30 tests for numpy.core.numerictypes
  Found 13 tests for numpy.core.umath
  Found 8 tests for numpy.lib.arraysetops
Warning: FAILURE importing tests for <module 'numpy.lib.type_check' from
AttributeError: 'modul
e' object has no attribute 'nmath' (in ?)
  Found 93 tests for numpy.core.multiarray
  Found 3 tests for numpy.dft.helper
  Found 36 tests for numpy.core.ma
  Found 2 tests for numpy.core.oldnumeric
Warning: FAILURE importing tests for <module 'numpy.lib.twodim_base' from
ImportError: cannot i
mport name rot90 (in ?)
  Found 8 tests for numpy.core.defmatrix
  Found 1 tests for numpy.lib.ufunclike
Warning: FAILURE importing tests for <module 'numpy.lib.function_base'
from '...es/numpy/lib/function_base.pyc'>
AttributeError: 'mo
dule' object has no attribute 'nmath' (in ?)
  Found 1 tests for numpy.lib.polynomial
  Found 6 tests for numpy.core.records
  Found 19 tests for numpy.core.numeric
Warning: FAILURE importing tests for <module 'numpy.lib.index_tricks' from
ImportError: cannot
import name r_ (in ?)
Warning: FAILURE importing tests for <module 'numpy.lib.shape_base' from
AttributeError: 'modul
e' object has no attribute 'nmath' (in ?)
  Found 0 tests for __main__
ERROR: check_manyways (numpy.lib.tests.test_arraysetops.test_aso)
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 128, in c
    a = numpy.fix( nItem / 10 * numpy.random.random( nItem ) )
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'fix'

ERROR: check_basic (numpy.core.tests.test_defmatrix.test_algebra)
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 115, in ch
    import numpy.linalg as linalg
line 4, in ?
    from linalg import *
line 19, in ?
    from numpy.lib import *
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'nmath'

ERROR: check_basic (numpy.core.tests.test_defmatrix.test_properties)
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 44, in che
    import numpy.linalg as linalg
line 4, in ?
    from linalg import *
line 19, in ?
    from numpy.lib import *
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'nmath'

Ran 229 tests in 0.440s

FAILED (errors=3)
Out[3]: <unittest.TextTestRunner object at 0x2aaaae02a9d0>

Best, Arnd

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