[Numpy-discussion] field access in recarray broken when field name matches class method or attribute

Christopher Hanley chanley at stsci.edu
Tue May 9 10:27:41 EDT 2006

It is not possible to access a named recarray field if that name matches 
the name of a recarray class method or attribute.  Example code is below:

 >>> from numpy import rec
 >>> r = 
 >>> r.field('num')
array([456,   2])
 >>> r.field('field')
<bound method recarray.field of recarray([(456, 'dbe', 1.2), (2, 'de', 
       dtype=[('num', '<i4'), ('name', '|S3'), ('field', '<f8')])>

I have opened a new ticket on the Trac site with this bug.


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