[Numpy-discussion] Problems building SVN on Windows

numpy-discussion at robince.ftml.net numpy-discussion at robince.ftml.net
Tue Jul 10 17:41:42 EDT 2007


I am trying to build numpy on Windows from the current SVN (rev. 3884 I
think) and I'm having some problems.

I've successfully built ATLAS and LAPACK. I've installed Python 2.5.1
from the standard windows installer. I also have a fresh install of
Cygwin with all mingw development tools etc. I created a site.cfg file
from the template with the following entries:
libraries = f77blas, cblas, atlas
library_dirs = C:\cygwin\home\mqbxfri2\ATLAS\atlas_win32\lib
include_dirs = C:\cygwin\home\mqbxfri2\ATLAS\atlas_win32\include
libraries = lapack, f77blas, cblas, atlas
library_dirs = C:\cygwin\home\mqbxfri2\ATLAS\atlas_win32\lib
include_dirs = C:\cygwin\home\mqbxfri2\ATLAS\atlas_win32\include
libraries = fftw3
library_dirs = "C:\fftw"

So the first problem is this file doesn't seem to be recognised (and
these library paths aren't picked up). I've tried from the cygwin shell
and windows cmd and with the file next to setup.py and also in
numpy/distutils. However the only paths searched are
I got around this by copying the .a files to C:\. This is a bit messy
but at least it finds ATLAS and LAPACK.

Then when I try to run config/build as described on the wiki I get an
error about no valid fortran compiler being defined. The full output of
python setup.py -v build --compiler=mingw32 is attached.

I would be greatful if anyone could help me to get this working. Also if
someone could provide more details on how to ensure fftw is used. The
precompiled fftw library I downloaded provides libfftw3-3.dll as well as
couple of others. Will this be picked up correctly by my fftw entry in
site.cfg (if site.cfg was working) or should it be "libraries=fftw3-3"?
Is it OK to use this DLL or do I have to build a static library myself
from source.

Finally, I gather the very nice scipy website/wiki is relatively new...
I was wondering if you had considered a phpbb type forum for support
issues such as this. I think this can be a lot more accessible for new
users (such as myself)...

Thanks in advance,

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