[Numpy-discussion] missing function in numpy.ma?
Eric Firing
efiring at hawaii.edu
Thu Apr 3 15:47:41 EDT 2008
Charles Doutriaux wrote:
> Travis, Pierre,
> Goood news what's in trunk right now seems to work great with our stuff,
> I only had to replace numpy.core.ma.take with numpy.ma.take
> (numpy.oldnumeric.ma.take didn't seem to work)
I don't know if it fixes the problem you ran into, but there is a clear
bug fixed by the following:
efiring at manini:~/programs/py/numpy_svn/trunk/numpy/oldnumeric$ svn diff
Index: ma.py
--- ma.py (revision 4958)
+++ ma.py (working copy)
@@ -2264,6 +2264,6 @@
return new_average(a, axis, weights, returned)
def take(a, indices, axis=0):
- return new_take(a, indices, axis=0)
+ return new_take(a, indices, axis)
> So as soon as 1.0.5 is out, I'll start working toward using numpy.ma only.
> Also, I have one little request, i remember you said oldnumeric would be
> gone in the next version. But our users will have hundreds (thousands?)
> of script convert with "import numpy.oldnumeric.ma as MA" or "import
> numpy.oldnumeric as Numeric"
> And although we're insisting and using numpy and numpy.ma right away,
> i'm sure 99% of them will ignore this. So would be be horrible to leave
> as shortcut (with a warning while loading probably, actually we could
> have the warning already in numpy 1.0.5 ?) from numpy.oldnumeric back to
> numpy ? same for oldnumeric.ma pointing back to numpy.ma. I realize it's
> not really clean... At least it would be great to have the warning
> raised in 1.0.5 that it will disappear in 1.1. Like that users might be
> more inclined to start converting "cleaninly"
> Thanks for considering this and also thanks a LOT for all your help on
> this issue!
> C.
> Travis E. Oliphant wrote:
>> Charles Doutriaux wrote:
>>> Hi Travis,
>>> Ok we're almost there, in my test suite i get:
>>> maresult = numpy.core.ma.take(ta, indices, axis=axis)
>>> AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'ma'
>>> data = numpy.core.ma.take(ax[:], indices)
>>> AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'ma'
>> I think the problem here is that numpy.core.ma is no longer the correct
>> place. This should be
>> numpy.oldnumeric.ma.take because numpy.oldnumeric.ma is the correct
>> location.
>> In my mind you shouldn't really have been using "numpy.core.ma", but
>> instead numpy.ma because whether things are in core or lib could change
>> ;-)
>> -Travis
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