[Numpy-discussion] New project : Spyke python-to-C compiler

Travis E. Oliphant oliphant at enthought.com
Mon Apr 7 00:02:57 EDT 2008

Rahul Garg wrote:
> Note this message has been posted to numpy-discussion and python-dev.
> Sorry for the multiple posting but I thought both python devs and
> numpy users will be interested. If you believe your list should not  
> receive this email, let me know. Also I just wanted to introduce  
> myself since I may ask doubts about Python and Numpy internals from  
> time to time :)
Hey Rahul,

This is a very interesting project.   I've been interested in something 
like this for a while.   I'd love to see more about what you are doing.

Best regards,

-Travis Oliphant

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