[Numpy-discussion] Win32 installer: please test it

Gary Ruben gruben at bigpond.net.au
Mon Apr 14 07:47:19 EDT 2008

Tested fine on my old Classic Athlon 500 (no SSE) under Win98. It 
correctly reported installing the non-SSE version when I clicked on the 
details button on the last page of the install wizard. Whereas 
previously numpy.test() would bring up an illegal operation dialog box, 
now all tests pass. Nice!. Gary R.

 >>> N.test()
Numpy is installed in C:\PYTHON25\lib\site-packages\numpy
Numpy version 1.0.5.dev5008
Python version 2.5.2a0 (release25-maint:59715M, Jan  3 2008, 22:45:43) 
[MSC v.13
10 32 bit (Intel)]
   Found 10/10 tests for numpy.core.defmatrix
   Found 3/3 tests for numpy.core.memmap
   Found 266/266 tests for numpy.core.multiarray
   Found 69/69 tests for numpy.core.numeric
   Found 31/31 tests for numpy.core.numerictypes
   Found 12/12 tests for numpy.core.records
   Found 7/7 tests for numpy.core.scalarmath
   Found 16/16 tests for numpy.core.umath
   Found 5/5 tests for numpy.ctypeslib
   Found 5/5 tests for numpy.distutils.misc_util
   Found 2/2 tests for numpy.fft.fftpack
   Found 3/3 tests for numpy.fft.helper
   Found 20/20 tests for numpy.lib._datasource
   Found 10/10 tests for numpy.lib.arraysetops
   Found 1/1 tests for numpy.lib.financial
   Found 0/0 tests for numpy.lib.format
   Found 48/48 tests for numpy.lib.function_base
   Found 5/5 tests for numpy.lib.getlimits
   Found 4/4 tests for numpy.lib.index_tricks
   Found 7/7 tests for numpy.lib.io
   Found 4/4 tests for numpy.lib.polynomial
   Found 49/49 tests for numpy.lib.shape_base
   Found 15/15 tests for numpy.lib.twodim_base
   Found 43/43 tests for numpy.lib.type_check
   Found 1/1 tests for numpy.lib.ufunclike
   Found 59/59 tests for numpy.linalg
   Found 92/92 tests for numpy.ma.core
   Found 14/14 tests for numpy.ma.extras
   Found 7/7 tests for numpy.random
   Found 0/0 tests for numpy.testing.utils
   Found 0/0 tests for __main__
Ran 887 tests in 7.580s

<unittest._TextTestResult run=887 errors=0 failures=0>

Jarrod Millman wrote:
> Hello,
> David Cournapeau has prepared a new win32 installer, which is aimed at
> solving the recurring problem of non working atlas on different sets
> of CPU. This installer simply checks which cpu you have, and installs
> the appropriate numpy accordingly (without atlas if your cpu is not
> supported). Windows users, please test the installer, and report

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