[Numpy-discussion] Segmentation fault

David Cournapeau david at ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Thu Apr 17 06:01:39 EDT 2008

David Cournapeau wrote:
> Unless you are executing this on a gigantic computer, this won't work 
> very well: you are asking to create an array which has ~ 2e5^2 elements, 
> that is around 40 Gb.
> There is a bug, but the bug happens at the above line: the zeros call 
> did not fail whereas it should have. It is likely caused because the 
> number of elements cannot fit into a 32 bits integers, which means it 
> overflows:
> import numpy as np
> n , m = 1e5,1e5
> a = np.zeros((n, m), np.int8)
> assert a.size == n * m
> Will raise an assertion error (n * m is just big enough to not fit into 
> a 32 bits integer in this case).

I forgot to add: this is a bug in numpy, you should not get a 
segmentation fault, but it would not work anyway (because you are asking 
for a too big array) :)



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