[Numpy-discussion] Bilateral filter

Nadav Horesh nadavh at visionsense.com
Wed Aug 6 07:59:11 EDT 2008

I made the following modification to the source code, I hope it is ready
to be included in scipy.

     1. Added a BSD licence declaration.
     2. Small optimisation.
     3. The code is split into a cython back-end  and a python

All remarks are welcome,


On Tue, 2008-08-05 at 16:08 -0500, Travis E. Oliphant wrote:

> Nadav Horesh wrote:
> > Attached here my cython implementation of the bilateral filter, which 
> > is my first cython program. I would ask for the following:
> >
> >    1. Is there any way to speed up the code just by "cosmetic"
> >       modifications?
> >    2. In particular I use the unportable gcc function __builtin_abs:
> >       Is there any way to access this in a portable way?
> >    3. I would like to donate this code to scipy or any other suitable
> >       project. What can/should I do to realise it?
> >
> >
> > Remarks:
> >
> > The code contains 3 end-user routines:
> >
> >    1. A pure python implementation: Easy to read and modify --- it can
> >       be cut out into a python source code.
> >    2. A straight forward cython implementation: About 4 times as fast
> >       as the python implementation.
> >    3. An optimised cython implementation earning another factor of 2
> >       in speed (depends on the parameters used).
> >
> > I see this code as a "research grade" that would evolve in the near 
> > future, as I am working on a related project, and hopefully following 
> > your comments.
> This would be a very welcome addition to SciPy.    Thank you.  
> -Travis
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#   Copyright 2008, Nadav Horesh
#   nadavh at visionsense dot com
#   The software is licenced under BSD licence.
  A cython implementation of the plain (and slow) algorithm for bilateral
  The class Bilat_fcn exposes methods to be called by nd_image.generic_filter
  function in orde to render the actual filter.

import numpy as np

cdef extern from "arrayobject.h":
    ctypedef int intp
    ctypedef extern class numpy.ndarray [object PyArrayObject]:
        cdef char *data
        cdef int nd
        cdef intp *dimensions
        cdef intp *strides
        cdef int flags

cdef extern from "math.h":
    double exp(double x)

cdef extern:
    int abs(int x)

cdef int GAUSS_SAMP = 32

class Bilat_fcn(object):
    The class provides the bilaterl filter function to be called by
    initialization parameters:
      spat_sig:    The sigma of the spatial Gaussian filter
      inten_sig:   The sigma of the gray-levels Gaussian filter
      filter_size: (int) The size of the spatial convolution kernel. If
                   not set, it is set to ~ 4*spat_sig.
    def __init__(self, spat_sig, inten_sig, filter_size=None):
        if filter_size is not None and filter_size >= 2:
            self.xy_size = int(filter_size)
            self.xy_size = int(round(spat_sig*4))
            # Make filter size odd
            self.xy_size += 1-self.xy_size%2
        x = np.arange(self.xy_size, dtype=float)
        x = (x-x.mean())**2
        #xy_ker: Spatial convolution kernel
        self.xy_ker = np.exp(-np.add.outer(x,x)/(2*spat_sig**2)).ravel()
        self.xy_ker /= self.xy_ker.sum()
        self.inten_sig = 2 * inten_sig**2
        self.index = self.xy_size**2 // 2

        ## An initialization for LUT instead of a Gaussian function call
        ## (for the fc_filter method)

        x = np.linspace(0,3.0, GAUSS_SAMP)
        self.gauss_lut = np.exp(-x**2/2)
        self.x_quant = 3*inten_sig / GAUSS_IDX_MAX

    ## Filtering functions

    def __call__ (self, data):
        'An unoptimized (pure python) implementation'
        weight = np.exp(-(data-data[self.index])**2/self.inten_sig) * self.xy_ker
        return np.dot(data, weight) / weight.sum()

    def cfilter(self, ndarray data):
        'An optimized implementation'
        cdef ndarray kernel = self.xy_ker
        cdef double sigma   = self.inten_sig
        cdef double weight_i, weight, result, centre, dat_i
        cdef double *pdata=<double *>data.data, *pker=<double *>kernel.data
        cdef int i, dim = data.dimensions[0]
        centre = pdata[self.index]

        weight = 0.0
        result = 0.0

        for i from  0 <= i < dim:
            dat_i = pdata[i]
            weight_i = exp(-(dat_i-centre)**2 / sigma) * pker[i]
            weight += weight_i;
            result += dat_i * weight_i
        return result / weight

    def fc_filter(self, ndarray data):
        'Use further optimisation by replacing exp functions calls by a LUT'
        cdef ndarray kernel = self.xy_ker
        cdef ndarray gauss_lut_arr = self.gauss_lut

        cdef double sigma   = self.inten_sig
        cdef double weight_i, weight, result, centre, dat_i
        cdef double *pdata=<double *>data.data, *pker=<double *>kernel.data
        cdef int i, dim = data.dimensions[0]
        cdef int exp_i    # Entry index for the LUT
        cdef double x_quant = self.x_quant
        cdef double *gauss_lut = <double *>gauss_lut_arr.data

        centre = pdata[self.index]

        weight = 0.0
        result = 0.0

        for i from  0 <= i < dim:
            dat_i = pdata[i]
            exp_i = abs(<int>((dat_i-centre) / x_quant))
            if exp_i > GAUSS_IDX_MAX:
                #exp_i = GAUSS_IDX_MAX
            weight_i = gauss_lut[exp_i] * pker[i]
            weight += weight_i;
            result += dat_i * weight_i
        return result / weight

# Filtering functions to be called from outsize

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