[Numpy-discussion] Little vectorization help...

Andrea Gavana andrea.gavana at gmail.com
Wed Dec 10 07:21:34 EST 2008

Hi All,

    I am tryin to "vectorize" 3 nested for loops but I am not having
much success. Here is the code I use:

import numpy
import numpy.ma as masked

grid = numpy.zeros((nx, ny), dtype=numpy.float32)
xOut = numpy.zeros((nx, ny), dtype=numpy.float32)
yOut = numpy.zeros((nx, ny), dtype=numpy.float32)

z = GetCentroids() # Some vector z values
prop = GetValue()  # Some other vector values

NaN = numpy.NaN

for I in xrange(1, nx+1):

    for J in xrange(1, ny+1):

        theSum = []

        for K in xrange(1, nz+1):

            cellPos = I-1 + nx*(J-1) + nx*ny*(K-1)
            centroid = z[cellPos]

            if low <= centroid <= high and actnum[cellPos] > 0:

        if theSum:
            grid[I-1, J-1] = sum(theSum)/len(theSum)
            grid[I-1, J-1] = NaN

        xOut[I-1, J-1], yOut[I-1, J-1] = x[cellPos], y[cellPos]

grid = masked.masked_where(numpy.isnan(grid), grid)

Some explanation:

1) "z" is a vector of nx*ny*nz components, where nx = 100, ny = 73, nz
= 23, which represents 3D hexahedron cell centroids;
2) "prop" is a vector like z, with the same shape, with some floating
point values in it;
3) "actnum" is a vector of integers (0 or 1) with the same shape as z,
and indicates if a cell should be considered in the loop or not;
4) low and high are 2 floating point values with low < high: if the
cell centroid fall between low and high and the cell is active (as
stated in "actnum"), then I take the value of "prop" in that cell and
I append it to the "theSum" list;
5) At the end of the K loop, I just take an arithmetic mean of the
values in "theSum" list.

I think I may be able to figure out how to vectorize the part
regarding the "grid" variable, but I have no idea on what to do for
the xOut and yOut variables, and I need them because I use them in a
later call to matplotlib.contourf.

If you could drop some hint on how to proceed, ot would be very
appreciated. Thank you for your suggestions.


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