[Numpy-discussion] Numpy 1.3.0 rc1 OS X Installer

David Cournapeau david at ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed Apr 1 01:10:09 EDT 2009

Christopher Barker wrote:
> It does, but we don't need a binary installer for a python that doesn't 
> have a binary installer.

Yes, not now - but I would prefer avoiding to have to change the process
again when time comes. It may not look like it, but enabling a working
process which works well on all platforms including windows took me
several days to work properly. And I am in a hurry to go into this again :)
> Hmmm -- I don't know virtualenv enough to know what the virtualenv knows 
> about how it was created...
> However, I'm not sure you need to do what your saying here. I imagine 
> this workflow:
> set up a virtualenv for, say numpy x.y.rc-z
> play around with it, get everything to build, etc. with plain old 
> setup.py build, setup.py install, etc.
> Once you are happy, run:
> /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/bin/bdist_mpkg

This means building the same thing twice. Now, for numpy, it is not that
a big deal, but for scipy, not so much. If/when we have a good, reliable
build farm for mac os x, this point becomes moot, so.

> By the way, if you run bdist_mpkg from a version installed into your 
> virtualenv, you will get an installer that will install into your 
> virtualenv, whit the path hard coded, so really useless.

That's exactly the problem in the current binary :)
> ah -- maybe that's the issue then -- darn. Are the docs included in the 
> .mpkg? Do they need to be built for that?

The docs are included in the .dmg, and yes, the doc needs to be built
from the same installation (or more exactly the same source).

> yes, I am.

I have not tackled the uninstall part, but I already wrote this to
"write in stone" my POV in the whole python packaging situation:


> True. In that case we could put the dylib somewhere obscure:
> /usr/local/lib/scipy1.6/lib/

Hm, that's strange - why /usr/local/lib ? It is outside the scipy

> or even:
> /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/

That's potentially dangerous: since this directory is likely to be in
LIBDIR, it means libgfortran will be taken there or from /usr/local/lib
if the user builds numpy/scipy after installing numpy. If it is
incompatible with the user gfortran, it will lead to weird issues, hard
to debug.

This problem bit me on windows 64 bits recently: we did something
similar (creating a libpython*.a and put in C:\python*\libs), but the
installed library was not 64 bits compatible - I assumed this library
was built by python itself, and I have wasted several hours looking
elsewhere for a problem caused by numpy.distutils.

If we install something like libgfortran, it should be installed
privately - but dynamically linking against private libraries is hard,
because that's very platform dependent (in particular on windows, I have
yet to see a sane solution - everyone just copy the private .dll
alongside the binaries, AFAICS).

Now, if you bring me a solution to this problem, I would be *really* glad.

> Actually, and I betray my ignorance here, but IIUC:
>   - There are a bunch of different scipy extensions that use libgfortran
>   - Many of them are built more-or-less separately
>   - So each of them would get their own copy of the static libgfortran

AFAIK, statically linking a library does not mean the whole copy is put
into the binary. I guess different binary formats do it differently, but
for example, on linux:

gfortran hello.f -> a.out is 8 kb
gfortran hello.f -static-libgfortran -> a.out is 130 kb
libgfortran.a -> ~ 1.3Mb

Of course, this depends on the function you need to pull out from
libgfortran - but I guess we do not pull so much, because we mainly use
intrinsics (gfortran math functions, etc...) which should be very small.
I don't think we use so much the IO fortran runtime - actually, we
should explicitly avoid it since it cause trouble because the C and
fortran runtimes  would 'fight' each other with unspeakable consequences.

And thinking about it: mac os x rather encourage big binaries - "fat
binary", so I am not sure it is a big concern.

> This is making me think solving the dynamic linking problem makes sense.

It makes sense for a whole lot of reasons, but it is hard. The problem
is much bigger on windows (where almost *everything* is statically
linked), and I tried to tackle this to ship only one numpy installer
with 3 dynamically loaded atlas at runtime - I did not find a workable

> Also, would it break anything if the libgfortran installed were properly 
> versioned:
>   libgfortran.a.b.c
> Isn't that the point of versioned libs?

versioned libraries only make sense for shared libraries,I think. On
Linux, the static library is not even publicly available (it is in
/usr/lib/gcc/4.3.3). I wonder whether the mac os x gfortran binary did
not make a mistake there, actually.



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