[Numpy-discussion] DVCS at PyCon

David Cournapeau cournape at gmail.com
Fri Apr 10 23:05:55 EDT 2009

On Sat, Apr 11, 2009 at 11:53 AM, Eric Firing <efiring at hawaii.edu> wrote:

> Please understand, I am not trying to bash git--it is clearly an
> enormously powerful and well-made tool--and I apologize if my posts have
> appeared to tend in that direction.

No need to apologize, I think I used the work bashing inappropriately
- I just wanted to say that the only way to understand the differences
between the tools is to use them. Reading about them will only confuse
you in my own experience. For example, I tried git once a long time
ago (during an infamous discussion between git and bzr developers on
the bzr M), could not understand a thing about it, and did not
understand any point in it except speed. Then I was forced to use git
because of bzr-svn constant frustrations - and I ended up to really
like it.

At last scipy conference, I tried to "sell" git advantages to Stefan
(a long time bzr user as well), who was far from convinced from my
explanations and my ranting. Then later he used it and liked it. Of
course, the logical conclusion could be that I am just very bad at
explaining why I like git :)

> I guess I am trying to keep hg from
> being dismissed too quickly

I am not dismissing anything - certainly if many people hate git, it
will be out of the possible choices.


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