[Numpy-discussion] Optimized half-sizing of images?

Christopher Barker Chris.Barker at noaa.gov
Fri Aug 7 12:28:53 EDT 2009

Zachary Pincus wrote:
>> We have a need to to generate half-size version of RGB images as  
>> quickly
>> as possible.
> How good do these need to look? You could just throw away every other  
> pixel... image[::2, ::2].

I do the as good quality as I can get. throwing away pixels gets a bit ugly.

> Failing that, you could also try using ndimage's convolve routines to  
> run a 2x2 box filter over the image, and then throw away half of the  
> pixels. But this would be slower than optimal, because the kernel  
> would be convolved over every pixel, not just the ones you intend to  
> keep.

yup -- worth a try though.

> Really though, I'd just bite the bullet and write a C extension (or  
> cython, whatever, an extension to work for a defined-dimensionality,  
> defined-dtype array is pretty simple),

I was going to sit down and do that this morning, but...

> or as suggested before, do it  
> on the GPU.

I have no idea how to do that, except maybe pyOpenGL, which is on our 
list to try.

Sebastian Haase wrote:
> regarding your concerns of doing to fancy interpolation at the cost of
> speed, I would guess the overall bottle neck is rather the memory
> access than the extra CPU cycles needed for interpolation.

well, could be, though I can't really know 'till I try. One example, 
though is using ndimage.zoom -- order 1 interpolation is MUCH faster 
than order 2 or 3.

> Regarding ndimage.zoom it should be able to "not zoom" the color-axis
> but the others in one call.

well, that's what I thought, but I can't figure out how to do it. The 
docs are a bit sparse. Here's my offer:

If someone tells me how to do it, I'll make a docs contribution to the 
SciPy docs explaining it.

> You say that as if it's painful to do so :)

wow! Thanks for doing my work for me. I thought this would be a good 
case to give Cython a try for the first time -- having a working example 
is great.

> sage: timeit("halfsize_cython(a)")
> 625 loops, best of 3: 604 µs per loop
> sage: timeit("halfsize_slicing(a)")
> 5 loops, best of 3: 2.72 ms per loop

and bingo! a 4.5 times speed-up -- I think that's enough to see in our app.

> I was about to say the same thing, it's probably the memory, not  
> cycles, that's hurting you.

sure, but the slicing method pushes that memory around more than it 
needs to.

> Of course 512x512 is still small enough  
> to fit in L2 of any modern computer.

I think so -- I do know that the slicing method slows down a lot with 
larger images. We're tiling anyway in this case, but if I did want to do 
a big image, I'd probably break it down into chunks to process it anyway.

thanks, all.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/OR&R            (206) 526-6959   voice
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Chris.Barker at noaa.gov

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