[Numpy-discussion] Please don't use google code for hosting

Matthew Brett matthew.brett at gmail.com
Fri Jan 16 19:07:30 EST 2009


I am just visiting colleagues in the Cuban Neuroscience Center, and of
course I'm trying to persuade them that Python and open-source are the
way forward.

This is made more difficult because several projects - for example
pyglet - have their repositories on Google code.  Google, unlike any
other hoster I've come across, bans code downloads from Cuban
addresses with a message that I am trying to download from 'a
forbidden country'.  I assume they are playing safe with code export

This breaks easy_install and direct downloads.

I hope you agree with me that it serves nobody's interest to reduce
collaboration with Cuban scientists on free software.

So, please, if you are considering google code for hosting, consider
other options.



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