[Numpy-discussion] datetime Parsing Functions

Marty Fuhry martyfuhry at gmail.com
Tue Jul 28 00:03:29 EDT 2009

I'm a Summer of Code student working on the datetime implementation.
The past few weeks I've been writing code to parse between dates and
longs with a frequency.

I'd like some feedback on my code before it gets integrated into the
NumPy datetime branch:
Clone URL: git://github.com/martyfuhry/npy_datetime.git
Blog: http://fuhrysoc.blogspot.com

The main file in question is in the parsing directory called
c_parse.c. I have been working on the setitem and getitem routines for
datetime64 objects (current functions in c_parse.c are
long_to_date(time / string) and date(time / string)_to_long). The
frequencies in the NEP are all supported, but I haven't yet
implemented derived units for custom frequencies. The tests (located
in the parsing/tests directory) are thorough, but I'd appreciate
feedback on those, too.

Is there anything I should do differently? Are there sections that
need more documentation? Am I forgetting anything?

Thanks in advance for any help.

-Marty Fuhry

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