[Numpy-discussion] ANNOUNCE: ETS 3.2.0 Released
Ariel Rokem
arokem at berkeley.edu
Thu Jun 4 14:03:36 EDT 2009
Hi -
thanks for all the good work on this!
I have been using an older version of the ETS, which I got when I installed
the EPD (4.0.30001) and now I have finally gotten around to trying to update
my ETS to this version.
I have a question - how do I go about uninstalling my previous version of
the ETS? A more general question to anyone - what's the right way of
uninstalling any old python package? In the past, I have been advised to go
in and run "rm -rf" on the directory inside my site-packages directory (and
remove stuff from "easy-install.pth"?), but in the case of ETS, I am not
even sure which directories in there belong to ETS.
Is there some elegant way of uninstalling python packages?
TIA --
On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 1:46 PM, Dave Peterson <dpeterson at enthought.com>wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm pleased to announce that Enthought Tool Suite (ETS) version 3.2.0
> has been tagged and released!
> Source distributions (.tar.gz) have been uploaded to PyPi, and Windows
> binaries will be follow shortly. A full install of ETS can be done using
> Setuptools via a command like:
> easy_install -U "ets[nonets] >= 3.2.0"
> NOTE 1: Users of an old ETS release will need to first uninstall prior
> to installing the new ETS.
> NOTE 2: If you get a 'SandboxViolation' error, simply re-run the command
> again -- it may take multiple invocations to get everything installed.
> (This error appears to be a long-standing incompatibility between
> numpy.distutils and setuptools.)
> Please see below for a list of what's new in this release.
> What Is ETS?
> ===========
> The Enthought Tool Suite (ETS) is a collection of components developed
> by Enthought and the open-source community, which we use every day to
> construct custom scientific applications. It includes a wide variety of
> components, including:
> * an extensible application framework
> * application building blocks
> * 2-D and 3-D graphics libraries
> * scientific and math libraries
> * developer tools
> The cornerstone on which these tools rest is the Traits package, which
> provides explicit type declarations in Python; its features include
> initialization, validation, delegation, notification, and visualization
> of typed attributes.
> More information on ETS is available from the development home page:
> http://code.enthought.com/projects/index.php
> Changelog
> =========
> ETS 3.2.0 is a feature-added update to ETS 3.1.0, including numerous
> bug-fixes. Some of the notable changes include:
> Chaco
> -----
> * Domain limits - Mappers now can declare the "limits" of their valid
> domain. PanTool and ZoomTool respect these limits. (pwang)
> * Adding "hide_grids" parameter to Plot.img_plot() and
> Plot.contour_plot() so users can override the default behavior of hiding
> grids. (pwang)
> * Refactored examples to declare a Demo object so they can be be run
> with the demo.py example launcher. (vibha)
> * Adding chaco.overlays package with some canned SVG overlays. (bhendrix)
> * DragZoom now can scale both X and Y axes independently corresponding
> to the mouse cursor motion along the X and Y axes (similar to the zoom
> behavior in Matplotlib). (pwang)
> * New Examples:
> * world map (bhendrix)
> * more financial plots (pwang)
> * scatter_toggle (pwang)
> * stacked_axis (pwang)
> * Fixing the chaco.scales TimeFormatter to use the built-in localtime()
> instead of the one in the safetime.py module due to Daylight Savings
> Time issues with timedelta. (r23231, pwang)
> * Improved behavior of ScatterPlot when it doesn't get the type of
> metadata it expects in its "selections" and "selection_masks" metadata
> keys (r23121, pwang)
> * Setting the .range2d attribute on GridMapper now properly sets the two
> DataRange1D instances of its sub-mappers. (r23119, pwang)
> * ScatterPlot.map_index() now respects the index_only flag (r23060, pwang)
> * Fixed occasional traceback/bug in LinePlot that occurred when data was
> completely outside the visible range (r23059, pwang)
> * Implementing is_in() on legends to account for padding and alignment
> (caused by tools that move the legend) (r23052, bhendrix)
> * Legend behaves properly when there are no plots to display (r23012,
> judah)
> * Fixed LogScale in the chaco.scales package to correctly handle the
> case when the length of the interval is less than a decade (r22907,
> warren.weckesser)
> * Fixed traceback when calling copy_traits() on a DataView (r22894, vibha)
> * Scatter plots generated by Plot.plot() now properly use the "auto"
> coloring feature of Plot. (r22727, pwang)
> * Reduced the size of screenshots in the user manual. (r22720, rkern)
> Mayavi
> ------
> * 17, 18 March, 2009 (PR):
> * NEW: A simple example to show how one can use TVTK’s visual module
> with mlab. [23250]
> * BUG: The size trait was being overridden and was different from the
> parent causing a bug with resizing the viewer. [23243]
> * 15 March, 2009 (GV):
> * ENH: Add a volume factory to mlab that knows how to set color, vmin
> and vmax for the volume module [23221].
> * 14 March, 2009 (PR):
> * API/TEST: Added a new testing entry point: ‘mayavi -t’ now runs tests
> in separate process, for isolation. Added enthought.mayavi.api.test to
> allow for simple testing from the interpreter [23195]...[23200],
> [23213], [23214], [23223].
> * BUG: The volume module was directly importing the wx_gradient_editor
> leading to an import error when no wxPython is available. This has been
> tested and fixed. Thanks to Christoph Bohme for reporting this issue.
> [23191]
> * 14 March, 2009 (GV):
> * BUG: [mlab]: fix positioning for titles [23194], and opacity for
> titles and text [23193].
> * ENH: Add the mlab_source attribute on all objects created by mlab,
> when possible [23201], [23209].
> * ENH: Add a message to help the first-time user, using the new banner
> feature of the IPython shell view [23208].
> * 13 March, 2009 (PR):
> * NEW/API: Adding a powerful TCP/UDP server for scripting mayavi via the
> network. This is available in enthought.mayavi.tools.server and is fully
> documented. It uses twisted and currently only works with wxPython. It
> is completely insecure though since it allows a remote user to do
> practically anything from mayavi.
> * 13 March, 2009 (GV)
> * API: rename mlab.orientationaxes to mlab.orientation_axes [23184]
> * 11 March, 2009 (GV)
> * API: Expose ‘traverse’ in mlab.pipeline [23181]
> * 10 March, 2009 (PR)
> * BUG: Fixed a subtle bug that affected the ImagePlaneWidget. This
> happened because the scalar_type of the output data from the
> VTKDataSource was not being set correctly. Getting the range of any
> input scalars also seems to silence warnings from VTK. This should
> hopefully fix issues with the use of the IPW with multiple scalars. I’ve
> added two tests for this, one is an integration test since those errors
> really show up only when the display is used. The other is a traditional
> unittest. [23166]
> * 08 March, 2009 (GV)
> * ENH: Raises an error when the user passes to mlab an array with
> infinite values [23150]
> * 07 March, 2009 (PR)
> * BUG: A subtle bug with a really gross error in the GridPlane
> component, I was using the extents when I should really have been
> looking at the dimensions. The extract grid filter was also not flushing
> the data changes downstream leading to errors that are also fixed now.
> These errors would manifest when you use an ExtractGrid to select a VOI
> or a sample rate and then used a grid plane down stream causing very
> wierd and incorrect rendering of the grid plane (thanks to conflation of
> extents and dimensions). This bug was seen at NAL for a while and also
> reported by Fred with a nice CME. The CME was then converted to a nice
> unittest by Suyog and then improved. Thanks to them all. [23146]
> * 28 February, 2009 (PR)
> * BUG: Fixed some issues reported by Ondrej Certik regarding the use Of
> mlab.options.offscreen, mlab.options.backend = ‘test’, removed cruft
> from earlier ‘null’ backend, fixed bug with incorrect imports,
> add_dataset set no longer adds one new null engine each time
> figure=False is passed, added test case for the options.backend test.
> [23088]
> * 23 February, 2009 (PR)
> * ENH: Updating show so that it supports a stop keyword argument that
> pops up a little UI that lets the user stop the mainloop temporarily and
> continue using Python [23049]
> * 21 February, 2009 (GV)
> * ENH: Add a richer view for the pipeline to the MayaviScene [23035]
> * ENH: Add safegards to capture wrong triangle array sizes in
> mlab.triangular_mesh_source. [23037]
> * 21 February, 2009 (PR)
> * ENH: Making the transform data filter recordable. [23033]
> * NEW: A simple animator class to make it relatively to create
> animations. [23036] [23039]
> * 20 February, 2009 (PR)
> * ENH: Added readers for various image file formats, poly data readers
> and unstructured grid readers. These include DICOM, GESigna, DEM,
> MetaImage (mha,mhd) MINC, AVSucd, GAMBIT, Exodus, STL, Points, Particle,
> PLY, PDB, SLC, OBJ, Facet and BYU files. Also added several tests for
> most of this functionality along with small data files. These are
> additions from PR’s project staff, Suyog Jain and Sreekanth Ravindran.
> [23013]
> * ENH: We now change the default so the ImagePlaneWidget does not
> control the LUT. Also made the IPW recordable. [23011]
> * 18 February, 2009 (GV)
> * ENH: Add a preference manager view for editing preferences outside
> envisage [22998]
> * 08 February, 2009 (GV)
> * ENH: Center the glyphs created by barchart on the data points, as
> mentioned by Rauli Ruohonen [22906]
> * 29 January, 2009 (GV)
> * ENH: Make it possible to avoid redraws with mlab by using
> mlab.gcf().scene.disable_render = True [22869]
> * 28 January, 2009 (PR and GV)
> * ENH: Make the mlab.pipeline.user_defined factory function usable to
> add arbitrary filters on the pipeline. [22867], [22865]
> * 11 January, 2009 (GV)
> * ENH: Make mlab.imshow use the ImageActor. Enhance the ImageActor to
> map scalars to colors when needed. [22816]
> Traits
> ------
> * Fixed a bug whereby faulty error handling in the PyProtocols Pyrex
> speedup code keeps references to tracebacks that have been handled. In
> so doing, clean up the same code such that it can be used with a modern
> Pyrex release (a bare raise can no longer be used outside of an except:
> clause).
> * RangeEditor factory now supports a 'logslider' mode: Thanks to Matthew
> Turk for the patch
> * TabularEditor factory now supports editing of all columns: Thanks to
> Didrik Pinte for the patch
> * DateEditor factory in 'custom' style now supports multi-select feature.
> * DateEditor and TimeEditor now support the 'readonly' style.
> * Fixed a bug in the ArrayEditor factory that was causing multiple trait
> change events to get fired when the underlying array is changed
> externally to the editor: Thanks to Matthew Turk for he patch.
> * Fixed a circular import error in Color, Font and RGBColor traits
> * Fixed a bug in the factory for ArrayViewEditor so it now calls the
> toolkit backend-specific editor
> TraitsBackendWX
> ---------------
> * RangeEditor now supports a 'logslider' mode: Thanks to Matthew Turk
> for the patch
> * TabularEditor now supports editing of all columns: Thanks to Didrik
> Pinte for the patch
> * DateEditor in 'custom' style now supports multi-select feature.
> * DateEditor and TimeEditor now support the 'readonly' style.
> * Added a trait to the wx pyface workbench View to indicate if the view
> dock window should be closeable.
> * Fixed the DirectoryEditor to popup the correct file dialog (thanks to
> Luca Fasano and Phil Thompson)
> * Fixed a circular import error in Color, Font and RGBColor traits
> * Fixed a bug in the ColorEditor that was causing the revert action to
> not work correctly.
> * Fixed a bug that caused a traceback when trying to undock a pyface
> dock window
> * Fixed a bug in the 'livemodal' view that caused the UI to become
> unresponsive if the 'updated' event was fired on the contained view.
> * Fixed bugs in ListEditor (notebook style) that caused a loss of sync
> between the 'selected' trait and the activated dock window.
> TraitsBackendQt
> ---------------
> * RangeEditor now supports a 'logslider' mode: Thanks to Matthew Turk
> for the patch
> * Fixed the DirectoryEditor to popup the correct file dialog (thanks to
> Luca Fasano and Phil Thompson)
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Ariel Rokem
Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute
University of California, Berkeley
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