[Numpy-discussion] performance matrix multiplication vs. matlab

Jason Rennie jrennie at gmail.com
Fri Jun 5 09:05:31 EDT 2009

Hi David,

Let me suggest that you try the latest version of Ubuntu (9.04/Jaunty),
which was released two months ago.  It sounds like you are effectively using
release 5 of RedHat Linux which was originally released May 2007.  There
have been updates (5.1, 5.2, 5.3), but, if my memory serves me correctly,
RedHat updates are more focused on fixing bugs and security issues rather
than improving functionality.  Ubuntu does a full, new release every 6
months so you don't have to wait as long to see improvements.  Ubuntu also
has a tremendously better package management system.  You generally
shouldn't be installing packages by hand as it sounds like you are doing.

This post suggests that the latest version of Ubuntu is up-to-date wrt



On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 5:44 AM, David Paul Reichert <
D.P.Reichert at sms.ed.ac.uk> wrote:

> Thanks for the replies so far.
> I had already tested using an already transposed matrix in the loop,
> it didn't make any difference. Oh and btw, I'm on (Scientific) Linux.
> I used the Enthought distribution, but I guess I'll have to get
> my hands dirty and try to get that Atlas thing working (I'm not
> a Linux expert though). My simulations pretty much consist of
> matrix multiplications, so if I don't get rid of that factor 5,
> I pretty much have to get back to Matlab.
> When you said Atlas is going to be optimized for my system, does
> that mean I should compile everything on each machine separately?
> I.e. I have a not-so-great desktop machine and one of those bigger
> multicore things available...
> Cheers
> David

Jason Rennie
Research Scientist, ITA Software
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