[Numpy-discussion] performance matrix multiplication vs. matlab

Gabriel Beckers beckers at orn.mpg.de
Sun Jun 7 06:21:14 EDT 2009

On Sun, 2009-06-07 at 18:37 +0900, David Cournapeau wrote:
> Maybe you did not use the same fortran compiler with atlas and numpy,
> or
> maybe something else. make check/make ptchek do not test anything
> useful
> to avoid problems with numpy, in my experience.
> That's why compiling atlas by yourself is hard, and I generally advise
> against it: there is nothing intrinsically hard about it, but you need
> to know a lot of small details and platform oddities to get it right
> every time. That's just a waste of time in most cases IMHO, unless all
> you do with numpy is inverting big matrices,
> cheers,
> David

Hi David,

I did:

sudo apt-get remove g77
sudo apt-get install gfortran

before starting the whole thing, so I assume that should take care of

I am not sure how much I actually depend on Atlas for what I do, so your
advice is well taken. One thing I can think of is PCA and ICA (of *big*
matrices of float32 data), using the MDP toolbox mostly. I should find
out in how far Atlas is crucial specifically for that.

All the best, Gabriel

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